San Cipirello: Carabinieri save two children from a fire

Moments of panic yesterday, shortly after midday, in San Cipirello (PA), where a fire, which broke out due to accidental causes, put two children aged 5 and 7 in danger.

San Cipirello: Carabinieri save two children from a fire

According to the reconstruction of the events drawn up by the Carabinieri of the Monreale Company, the two brothers allegedly set off some small miniciccioli firecrackers near some old mattresses, stacked on the ground floor of a building owned by their family, uninhabited and under renovation. The sparks allegedly set fire to the mattresses, generating a thick acrid smoke that immediately invaded the rooms.

Upon the arrival of the Carabinieri from the San Cipirello and San Giuseppe Jato stations, the two little ones had found shelter on the second floor and, from the window, they were asking for help. Their parents, in the meantime, helped by some neighbors, were busy putting out the flames on the ground floor. At this juncture, two Carabinieri, using some wet rags to cover their noses and mouths, entered the building and, crossing the thick blanket of smoke, They reached the two children on the second floor and carried them to safety in their arms.

San Cipirello: Carabinieri salvano due bambini da un'incendio

Once outside, the two minors were hugged by their parents and visited by the 118 health workers. Fortunately, for the two brothers the bad experience ended without any physical consequences but only with a lot of fear.

The flames were soon completely extinguished by the Fire Brigade.


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