Partinico: Territory checks, fines, reports and drug dealing

Territory checks in Balestrate and Partinico

Partinico: Territory checks, fines, reports and drug dealing

The Carabinieri of the Partinico Company carried out an extraordinary service of control of the territory aimed at prevention crimes against the person, property and in particular the repression of drug dealing of narcotic substances.

In the coastal area, the military of the Trappeto Station, supported by the Palermo Villagrazia Dog Unit, they arrested a 23-year-old on charges of possession with intent to deal after finding him in possession of approximately 300 grams of hashish and marijuana. The arrest was validated by the Preliminary Investigations Judge of the Court of Palermo.

A Balestrate, 40 year old reported at liberty at the Public Prosecutor's Office at the Court of Palermo for unjustified carrying of a knife. During a street check, the Carabinieri of the Station found him in possession of a switchblade knife without there being any justified reason for carrying it.

In the course of road traffic controls, guaranteed by the crews of the Partinico Radiomobile Section, were reported at liberty a 34 year old and a 31 year old for driving without a license and other Three motorists were fined for not having insurance RCA. A young man, found in possession of a dose of hashish, has been reported to the Prefecture of Palermo for the use of narcotic substances for non-therapeutic purposes. The amount of fines are almost 2500 euros.

Partinico: Controlli del territorio, multe, segnalazioni e spaccio

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