Partinico: all restaurants in Borgo Parrini checked simultaneously. Administrative fines of 75 thousand Euros issued by the Carabinieri
Furthermore, the military accused the employers, in various capacities, of failing to train their employees, failing to carry out health surveillance and also, in one case, using a video surveillance system without the required authorisations.
Partinico: all restaurants in Borgo Parrini checked simultaneously. Administrative fines of 75 thousand Euros issued by the Carabinieri.
The Carabinieri of the Palermo Labour Protection Group, together with the military of the Partinico Station, carried out simultaneous checks at all restaurants located in the well-known Borgo Parrini. During the inspection, the Carabinieri were able to verify the position of 30 workers, noting that more than half were "undeclared".
Furthermore, the military have contested, in various capacities, the employers'failure to train employees, failure to carry out health surveillance and also, in one case, the use of a video surveillance system without the required authorisations.
Precisely for having found well 16 out of 30 undeclared workers checked, a measure of suspension from business activity has been adopted for all restaurants.
It is worth noting that the companies, after having complied with the payment of the fine and having formally hired the workers without a contract, can now continue to carry out their catering activities.
Overall, they were contested administrative fines of approximately 75 thousand euros.
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