Partinico: Carabinieri carry out sweeping checks along the main city arteries
The Carabinieri of the Partinico Company have carried out a service aimed at verifying compliance with the regulations regarding the resale of fireworks, betting activities, the Highway Code, and the prevention and repression of widespread crime. These are the results from the beginning of the service to today.
Partinico: Carabinieri carry out sweeping checks along the main city arteries
The Carabinieri of the Partinico Company, with the support of personnel from the Operational Intervention Company of the 12th Sicilian Regiment, the Canine Unit of Villagrazia di Carini, the Labor Protection Unit of Palermo and employees of the Palermo Control Service of the Customs and Monopolies Agency, carried out a service aimed at verifying compliance with the legislation on the resale of fireworks, betting activities, the Highway Code, and the prevention and repression of widespread crime.
During the checks, they were reported at liberty to the Public Prosecutor's Office of Palermo: a 32-year-old already known to the police for contempt and threat to a public official because, in a state of rage, he stripped naked in the square, cursing and threatening the soldiers who intervened to calm him down.
The complaint was also filed against a 53-year-old, owner of a shop selling fireworks for violations of workplace safety and against a 26-year-old found in possession of 5 dangerous homemade firecrackers.
A 47-year-old was also reported for drunk driving., found positive with a blood alcohol level of 1.67 g/l and two other drivers as repeat offenders for driving without a license.
As part of the same activity, in order to combat the use of narcotic substances, the military have A 43-year-old and a 22-year-old were reported to the Prefecture of Palermo as drug users because they were found in possession of some doses of marijuana.
Overall, 46 cars and 110 people were checked along the main roads of Partinico, with fines imposed according to the Highway Code, with disputes for 9.700 euros.
All the narcotic substances seized during the activities of the Carabinieri departments were sent to the Narcotics Analysis Laboratory of the Provincial Command of the Carabinieri of Palermo, for qualitative and quantitative analyses.
Control activities will continue in the coming days and weeks, with the aim of preventing and combating widespread crime.
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