Palermo: Operation “The Conscience of Zen-O”, 11 preventive seizure decrees executed

In addition to the 11 seizure orders of current accounts, for a total of approximately 20.000,00 euros, information on the right of defense was notified to a further 6 suspects affected by the seizure.

Palermo: Operation “The Conscience of Zen-O”, 11 preventive seizure decrees executed

The Carabinieri of the Investigative Unit of the Provincial Command of Palermo have carried out 11 precautionary seizure measures against the same number of suspects, issued by the Office of the Judge for Preliminary Investigations of the Court of Palermo on the basis of the investigative findings that emerged during the investigation activity, coordinated by the European Delegated Prosecutors Calogero Ferrara e Amelia Lisa of the European Public Prosecutor's Office of Palermo, for the hypotheses of crime of forgery, fraud and undue inducement.

The operation, conventionally called “The Consciousness of Zen-O”, conducted from February 2022 to April 2023, from the EPPO Section of the Investigative Unit, had allowed the existence of a unitary center of illicit interests rooted within the “G. Falcone” Institute of the Zen district of Palermo, bringing the 21th April of last year to the execution of 3 precautionary measures against the principal, the vice-principal and another private professional.

Subsequent investigative investigations have allowed us to outline how the aforementioned school directors, with the complicity and in collaboration with teachers and school collaborators who for the occasion took on the role of Expert or Tutor in PON projects implemented with community funds, in order to justify their existence and to secure the relevant substantial European funding, would have certified the regular performance of the activities, which in reality were never carried out or only partially carried out.

In particular, several incidents were contested in which teachers allegedly falsely attested both their own presence and that of the students inside the Institute, by affixing false signatures or attendance, even in extracurricular hours. The seized sums constitute the profit that the suspects would have unduly received for paid Expert and/or Tutor roles.

In addition to the 11 seizure orders on current accounts, for a total of approximately 20.000,00 €, information on the right of defense has been notified to further 6 investigated, affected by the seizure.

Palermo: operazione "La Coscienza di Zen-O", eseguiti 11 decreti di sequestro preventivo

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