Palermo: Porta Nuova Mafia District, 4 Precautionary Measures in Prison

During the activities, therefore, in addition to the significant quantities of narcotics imposed on the drug dealing areas, a constant presence of weapons emerged.

Palermo: Porta Nuova Mafia District, 4 Precautionary Measures in Prison

On the morning of October 11, the Carabinieri of the Palermo Investigative Unit carried out 4 precautionary measures in prison against an equal number of people investigated, in various capacities, for mafia association, association for the purpose of drug trafficking, production, trafficking and possession of drug substances, extortion, personal injury and illegal possession of firearms.

The provision, issued by the office of the Judge for Preliminary Investigations of the Court of Palermo at the request of the District Anti-Mafia Directorate, is the result of a complex investigative activity conducted by the Investigative Unit of the Provincial Command of Palermo between February 2022 and December 2023, who fully confirmed the statements of some collaborators of justice.

The investigations that corroborate the findings that emerged in the activity that led to the precautionary measures carried out in July 2022 as part of the so-called – Operation “Wind”, have allowed us to outline the internal structures and criminal activities of the Palermo Mafia District – Porta Nuova, highlighting the dangerousness of the characters who carry out criminal activities on his behalf.

The recipients of today's provision are accused of having taken part in an association which, on behalf of the mafia gang, controlled the "squares of shop”, often resorting to acts of violence and intimidation, also with the use of weaponry imposing on those who operated in retail trade the purchase of the drug (mainly cocaine) at a pre-established cost (higher than the market price), as well as the payment of a sum on the sales proceeds.

The violent nature of the suspects emerges in various circumstances, and among these a beating committed against a man in the Zisa district, which occurred in broad daylight and with his face uncovered, as well as the heavy threats exercised against some pushers, on this occasion firing a gunshot against a wall for intimidating purposes, to impose the rules of the mafia association in terms of drug trafficking.

During the activities, therefore, in addition to the significant quantities of drugs imposed on the drug dealing areas, a constant presence of weapons.

During the searches delegated by the judicial authority, have been two more people arrested, a woman and a man, found in possession of more than half a kilo of hashish and cocaine in addition to a large amount of money in cash.

Today's operation is the result of the constant action of contrast to Cosa Nostra, conducted by the Provincial Command of Palermo, in coordination with the Public Prosecutor's Office, through the incessant action of control of the territory and the widespread presence in the city and in the province.

Palermo: mandamento mafioso di Porta Nuova, 4 misure cautelari in carcere

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