Palermo: Checks on activities in the Cep district, fine of 11.200 euros for failure to follow HACCP procedure
checks of various entities in Palermo
Palermo: Checks on activities in the Cep district, fine of 11.200 euros for failure to follow HACCP procedure
The Carabinieri of the Provincial Command of Palermo, of the 12th Sicily Regiment and of the Anti-adulteration and Health Unit have carried out acontrol activity aimed at contrasting widespread illegality in the Cep district of Palermo. The military personnel of the San Lorenzo Company, supported by personnel from the Mobile Radio Unit, the Operational Intervention Company, the local Dog Unit and in synergy with personnel from the NAS, the Municipal Police, the ENEL and AMAP verification technicians, combed the streets of the neighborhood as part of an activity aimed at preventing and combating widespread illegality.
The checks involved any unauthorised connections to the electricity and water networks, verification of the health and occupational requirements of the public land of commercial establishments, and compliance with the rules of conduct related to any violations of the Highway Code.
The activities carried out inside the homes of the neighborhood have allowed the case to be reported at liberty to the Palermo Public Prosecutor's Office 8 people, including 1 for illegal possession of ammunition cleverly hidden inside the apartment and 7 for the crime of aggravated theft of electricity and water, with irregular withdrawals made through dangerous and precarious illegal connections to the network.
At the same time, checks at commercial establishments led to the contestation of an administrative fine of 11.200 euros for failure to follow the HACCP procedure and lack of traceability of edible oil with the consequent seizure of approximately 500 litres of olive oil as well as, 1 person was reported at liberty for illegal occupation of public land and was also charged with an administrative fine of 4.033 euros for failure to communicate the expansion of the premises, failure to display the price list and lack of hygiene requirements.
Administrative checks on the highway code led to the seizure of 12 vehicles and the detention of a further 11, fines for a total of approximately 60.200 euros as well as the deduction of 50 points from driving licences. Overall they were 162 people identified, 81 vehicles checked, 11 searches carried out, 4 people reported to the Prefecture of Palermo as users of narcotic substances with the simultaneous seizure of small quantities of drugs, 27 fines were issued to the Highway Code, including 11 for missing insurance coverage and 3 for failure to undergo inspections, 10 for driving without a license, 2 for driving non-approved electric bicycles and 1 for not having driving documents.
Control activities in the neighborhood will continue in the coming days and weeks to come with the primary objective of preventing and combating widespread crime and the resulting urban decay that significantly impact real safety and that perceived by many honest citizens of the neighborhood.
It is necessary to point out that today's suspects are, at present, only suspected of a crime, albeit seriously, and that their position will be examined by the Judicial Authority during the entire procedural process and defined only following the possible issuing of a sentence of a conviction that has become final, in compliance with the constitutional principle of the presumption of innocence.
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