Palermo: The Carabinieri seize approximately 1,5 million euros, assets attributable to a man of honor of the mafia family “Santa Maria di Gesù”

The illicit origin of the assets of the man of honour linked to the mafia family of Santa Maria di Gesù and sentenced to 19 years and 6 months of imprisonment for mafia-style association is demonstrated

Palermo: The Carabinieri seize approximately 1,5 million euros, assets attributable to a man of honor of the “Santa Maria di Gesù” mafia family.

I Carabinieri of the Investigative Unit of the Provincial Command of Palermo they executed a decree of seizure issued by the Court of Palermo – Prevention Measures Section, with which they were kidnapped assets attributable to Giuseppe Urso, 65 years old, man of honor of the Palermo mafia family “Santa Maria di Gesù”.

The man reported two irrevocable sentences for the crime of mafia-type association, respectively in July 2003 and in November 2022, and by virtue of the recognition of the continuity link between the two sentences, he was given the overall sentence of 19 years and 6 months' imprisonment.

In particular, he was accused of participating in multiple meetings and gatherings aimed at managing illegal activities, his constant contact with other members at liberty, his involvement in resolving problems and disputes that arose between third parties and entrepreneurs operating in the area, as well as in supporting detained members.

The conviction revealed the man's membership in the mafia association, in particular with the mafia family of Santa Maria di Gesù and the close relationships, including family ones, with the historic Vernengo mafia family, having married Vernengo Rosa, daughter of Vernengo Pietro, historical head of that district, who passed away in 2023.

The evidentiary framework collected in the context of the patrimonial investigations, coordinated by the Public Prosecutor's Office, has made it possible to demonstrate how the assets available to Urso were in reality the fruit of his illicit activities, thus allowing the seizure order to be issued concerning the assets listed below, with a total value of approximately 1,5 million euros:

  • 1 company carrying out fuel distribution activities and related business assets;
  • 30 shares equal to 50% of the share capital of companies managing sports facilities;
  • 1 garage located in Palermo;
  • 2 properties located in Palermo;
  • 3 plots of land located in Palermo, two of which with attached buildings for special public needs, located in Palermo where fuel distributors are located;
  • 1 vehicles;
  • 7 bank reports.

Palermo: I Carabinieri sequestrano, per un totale di circa 1,5 milioni di euro, beni riconducibili a URSO Giuseppe

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