Palermo, Carabinieri checks in the San Filippo Neri neighborhood. Seventy people reported

The control activities in the neighborhood will continue also in the next few days and in the weeks to come with the primary objective of preventing and contrasting the phenomena of widespread crime and the consequent urban decay.

Palermo, Carabinieri checks in the San Filippo Neri neighborhood. Seventy people reported

The Carabinieri of the Provincial Command of Palermo, in synergy with the military of the 12th Sicilian Regiment and the Palermo Villagrazia Dog Unit, carried out a control activity aimed at countering widespread illegality in the San Filippo Neri neighborhood.

The military personnel of the two city companies, Palermo San Lorenzo and Piazza Verdi, assisted by some crews of the Nucleo Radiomobile and together with the ENEL verification technicians and personnel of the Autonomous Institute of Public Housing, combed the streets of the Zen 2 neighborhood, finding several irregularities.

The checks allowed 70 people to be reported at liberty to the Palermo Public Prosecutor's Office, 32 of whom were charged with theft of electricity with irregular withdrawals made through dangerous and precarious illegal connections to the network, 36 with invasion of buildings. because they illegally occupied public housing that was not assigned to them, one for possession of narcotics for the purpose of dealing, possession of counterfeit money and illegal possession of weapons or objects capable of causing offence and one for driving under the influence of alcohol which tested positive to the breathalyser test.

Palermo, controlli dei Carabinieri nel quartiere San Filippo Neri. Settanta persone denunciate

A total of 245 people were identified, 40 vehicles were checked, 15 searches were carried out, over 100 grams of cocaine and hashish were seized, divided into doses and ready for retail sale; 6 counterfeit 20 euro notes were also seized, as well as a baseball bat carried without justification, 15 traffic fines were issued for a total of 17.659 euros in administrative fines.

All the narcotic substances seized during the activities of the Carabinieri departments were sent to the Narcotics Analysis Laboratory of the Provincial Command of the Carabinieri of Palermo, for qualitative and quantitative analyses.

The control activities in the neighborhood will continue in the coming days and weeks with the primary objective of preventing and combating widespread crime and the resulting urban decay that significantly impact real security and that perceived by many honest citizens of the neighborhood.

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