Palermo: 3 arrests and 4 reports by the Carabinieri
The Carabinieri of the Provincial Command of Palermo, constantly engaged not only in preventive activities of territorial control but also in monitoring compliance with the provisions by citizens burdened by measures issued by the Judicial Authority, have arrested three men and reported four others at large.
Palermo: 3 arrests and 4 reports by the Carabinieri
The soldiers of the Piazza Marina station together with the staff of the Palermo Radiomobile Unit e of the Operational Intervention Company of the 12th Carabinieri Regiment of Sicily, in Lincoln Street, they arrested a 34 year old originally from Mali for resistance, violence and threats to a public official.
The Carabinieri engaged in carrying out a checkpoint were alerted by a citizen who reported to them the presence of a man near a nearby condominium intent on harassing some passers-by and residents.
The 34-year-old was promptly tracked down by the military and immediately showed an aggressive attitude, threatened the Carabinieri by simulating the throwing of some cobblestones that he was holding in his hands and refused to provide his personal details.
The man, who was repeatedly asked to desist and to behave appropriately, in fact went into a rage and lashed out two Carabinieri, that they were physically assaulted not before being hit in the chest by the stones thrown.
Promptly blocked by the other components of the device, the suspect was declared under arrest and the Judge for Preliminary Investigations of the Court of Palermo validated the arrest.
The Carabinieri of the Corsari and Falde Water Stations, within the scope of the checks relating to compliance with the provisions issued by the Judicial Authority, they respectively arrested two people from Palermo aged 26 and 42.
- Il 26enne already burdened by the measures of the obligation to reside in the Municipality of Palermo and to present himself to the judicial police, He violated the prescriptions several times, which is why the aggravation order was executed, with which the Fourth Section of the Court of Palermo replaced the measures currently applied with those of the arrest.
- The soldiers of the Falde station have instead arrested the 42-year-old already found guilty of the crime of burglary committed in Palermo in April 2018, by order of the Criminal Enforcement Office of the Public Prosecutor's Office of Palermo, which issued an order for the imprisonment with consequent expiation of the residual sentence of one year and nine months. The man was thus transferred to the Pagliarelli prison.
I Carabinieri of the San Lorenzo Company within a extraordinary service which affected the “Liberty” neighborhood, aimed at preventing and combating widespread illegality, they reported a 51-year-old at liberty to the Palermo Public Prosecutor's Office for illegal possession of weapons or objects capable of causing harm, a 28 year old for driving without a license reiterated in the two-year period and two 14 year olds for aggravated theft of a perfume at a commercial establishment.
In the same operational context, 169 people were identified, 94 vehicles were checked, and reported to the Prefecture of Palermo three people which drug users who were found in possession of small quantities of cocaine, hashish and marijuana. Comminate 27 fines for violations of the behavioral rules of the highway code for a total of 37.000 euros.
The seized drugs were sent to the Narcotics Analysis Laboratory of the Provincial Command of Palermo for the routine checks.
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