Palermo: the conference “Communication in healthcare. What are the bases for the new health communication plan in the Sicilian Region” took place. Doctors and journalists in comparison

Over 250 journalists and medical professionals attended the event to examine current and complex issues that often impact citizens' choices.

Palermo: the conference “Communication in healthcare. What are the bases for the new health communication plan in the Sicilian Region” took place. Doctors and journalists face to face.

Il new regional health communication plan, the dialogue between citizens and health workers, the promotion of correct lifestyles and good practices and above all the necessary and constant collaboration between the world of information and professionals in the medical field. These are just some of the topics discussed during the conference “Health Communication. What are the bases for the new health communication plan in the Sicilian Region?“, organized by the Regional Administration and the Department for Health Activities and Epidemiological Observatory (Dasoe), currently underway at the Splendid Hotel La Torre in Palermo.

The works were introduced by Giovanna Volo, regional health councillor, Salvatore Requirez, General Manager Dasoe, Salvatore Iacolino, general manager of the regional department for strategic planning, and Robert Gueli, co-director of Tgr Rai.

«I hope for a very strong collaborative relationship with the entire information world, to spread the positive news of our healthcare activity – says Councillor Volo -. Giving citizens confidence means making them aware of what we are able to do. An example concerns the excellent results achieved in the field of transplants, because, thanks to the information conveyed, citizens have increased their willingness to undergo transplants, guaranteeing the possibility of receiving an organ to those who need it, ensuring them a normal life. Also through this relationship between health institutions and the world of information, we will be able to do good prevention, but above all to spread the confidence that even in Sicily we can provide answers of the highest professional level".

Over 250 journalists and medical professionals present at the event to examine current and complex issues that often impact citizens' choices.

«With today's event we want to progressively consolidate and strengthen the synergy between information professionals and regional health service operators. The areas of collaboration – says Requirez, general manager of Dasoe – they are different and must look at the same goal: doctors and journalists have some tools in common, including talking to people, informing them correctly about the state of health of patients and that of the health services in our region". For Requirez it is necessary look not only at the control of fake news, but also to "a promotion of the regional health system, to the sharing of the fundamental concepts for primary prevention".

And then again, the need for simple languages, transparent ed effective both by doctors and information professionals, the promotion of good practices that regional healthcare must express and targeted prevention plans for reduce, eg, deaths at work These are some of the requests presented by both professional categories.

«All the activities that are developed daily by the regional health service require extensive communication also through the involvement of citizens – adds Iacolino, general manager of the department for strategic planning -. Today the citizen asks for reduced waiting times and services in Sicily. We are working for reduce the passive mobility balance and we are working to review the hospital network and fully implement the objectives contained in the PNRR, to guarantee local healthcare that is up to date, modern and effective".

The day is also an opportunity to address the issue of ongoing attacks on healthcare workers, a worrying phenomenon both for the direct impact on the physical and psychological health of the professionals involved, and for the repercussions on the health system and the quality of the services offered.

The conference was aimed at all medical and health professionals and is accredited by Agenas, as well as being valid for the mandatory professional training of journalists.

Palermo: si è svolto il convegno "Comunicazione in sanità. Quali basi per il nuovo piano della comunicazione della salute nella Regione Siciliana". Medici e giornalisti a confronto

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