Palermo, custody order executed. A fraudster arrested

The estimated value of the stolen goods collected in the 4 investigated scams was 9000 euros in cash and 32.000 euros in valuables.

Palermo, custody order executed. A fraudster arrested

The Carabinieri of the Palermo Crispi Station, at the end of complex investigations, they arrested a 34-year-old from Pomigliano D'Arco (NA), believed to be responsible for 4 aggravated frauds, committed in Palermo using the fake Carabiniere technique, between September and December 2023.

The modus operandi with which the victims, three women and a man, were defrauded was always the same: phone, a self-styled member of the Carabinieri or a lawyer, he predicted to the elderly man that a close relative of his would be involved in a serious road accident. This unfortunate news was followed by the request for a sum of money, as bail, for the release of the family member, held in custody in the barracks because he was responsible for the accident.

Shortly after this telephone contact, an accomplice showed up at the victim's house and, identifying himself as a person in charge of the Court for the collection of the bail, had him hand over all the cash that the elderly man had at home as well as jewelry and valuables. Overall, the estimated value of the stolen goods collected in the 4 investigated scams was 9000 euros in cash and 32.000 euros in valuables.

Palermo, eseguita ordinanza di custodia cautelare. In manette un truffatore

The analysis of the images from the city's video surveillance systems, the testimonies collected, and other investigations carried out, allowed the military of the Palermo Crispi Station to collect a serious set of circumstantial evidence against the arrested person, which was examined by the Judicial Authority and used as the basis for the precautionary measure issued against the man from Pomigliano.

The Carabinieri of the Pomigliano D'Arco Station were thus able to execute the order of precautionary custody of house arrest, issued by the Judge for Preliminary Investigations of the Court of Palermo.

The 31 October 2024, The Carabinieri of the Resuttana Colli Station have already arrested the perpetrator of a similar fraud in flagrante delicto.

During a territorial control service, near via Ferdinando Palasciano, the military noticed the suspect enter a condominium with a suspicious attitude, and then observed him exit quickly after a few minutes. The Carabinieri therefore decided to stop the man who, searched, was found in possession of a velvet bag inside which jewels worth 20.000 euros were found. The immediate intervention of the military and the checks carried out by them allowed us to outline what had happened just a few moments before..

In particular, an elderly woman, resident in the building from which the 26-year-old had been seen leaving, had been tricked through the now usual ruse of a serious road accident caused by her son. The woman, reached by telephone by a false employee of the Court of Palermo, had been informed of the need to pay a deposit for the release of her son held in the barracks. A few instructions received on the phone and the elderly woman, in a state of great anxiety, had waited for the arrival of a person, in this case the 26-year-old, who had shown up at her home to collect the large loot. The Carabinieri's investigation activity has therefore shed light on what happened to the elderly woman, promptly stopping the suspect and returning her jewels to the unfortunate woman.

The arrest was validated by the Preliminary Investigations Judge of the Court of Palermo.

The recommendations that the Carabinieri Corps disseminates daily for the purpose of preventing fraud crimes remain firm, where the perpetrators of the crime, taking advantage of the most intimate concerns of the elderly victims, contact them, passing themselves off as self-styled "professionals" and offering the payment of sums of money as a deposit that are used to compensate for the damage or to pay legal costs.

The real Carabinieri and all the forces of law and order do not turn to the citizen to ask for sums of money or valuables as bail because the Italian judicial system does not provide for the payment of bail for the release of people arrested or detained in security cells.

For these reasons, if you are suspicious of any phone calls you receive, contact the emergency number 112 after closing the conversation or contact one of the many Station Commands located throughout the area.

Immediate reporting remains the only tool that can allow law enforcement to remedy scams and identify the perpetrators of the crime.

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