
Padua fights poverty and marginalization: the Municipality receives funding of 1 million euros for the inclusion of Roma, Sinti and Caminanti children and adolescents

The Municipality of Padua has obtained funding of 1,3 million euros from the Ministry of Labor to promote an intervention aimed at the inclusion of Roma, Sinti and Caminanti children and adolescents.

Padua fights poverty and marginalization: the Municipality receives funding of 1 million euros for the inclusion of Roma, Sinti and Caminanti children and adolescents.

The Municipality requested and obtained funding of 1 million euros from the Department for Social, Third Sector and Migration Policies of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies, with a project aimed at promoting an intervention model capable of activating processes of individual, family and community care, oriented towards inclusion and participation of Roma, Sinti and Caminati children and adolescents.

This is a project that will have to be activated and that will be expressed in coordination, participatory network and governance, school, extra-scholastic socio-educational activities, social activities, that is, in a dimension that integrates school, social and health services and living environments of immigrant minors present in the territory.

Padova lotta alla povertà e all'emarginazione: al Comune un finanziamento di 1milione300mila euro per l'inclusione di bambini e adolescenti Rom, Sinti e Caminanti

This will be the content of the proposed resolution that the councilor for Social Affairs, Margherita Colonnello, and for Educational and School Policies, Cristina Piva, will present on Tuesday 22 October to the Council.

"The funding obtained with our project - underlines the councilor Margherita Colonnello - is a further opportunity to create inclusion activities and enhance the quantity and quality of educational opportunities. All actions aimed at protecting the rights and development of children in developmental age and at greater risk of social exclusion. Fighting against marginalization also means seeking solutions to stem, as far as possible, other problems that may affect health, accessibility to services and the poor use of the same, school dropout, the socio-educational sphere in its entirety. This project, in fact, embraces a perspective of inclusion in different areas, with particular attention to school and socialization paths in residential contexts, and will be activated and shared with the entities of the territorial network already in place, with which we operate, to better coordinate and manage the social and socio-educational interventions that will be identified. Our goal - concludes Colonnello - is to promote the overall well-being of boys and girls and their families who will be involved in a concrete path of participation and active citizenship capable of leveraging inclusion".

"I consider this opportunity offered by the Call to be extremely positive, as it allows, in addition to having important resources dedicated to the theme of the inclusion of Roma boys and girls and their families, to bring together municipal, regional, state and third sector bodies around a common program. - declares the councilor for educational and school policies, Cristina Piva - Taking charge of these boys and girls, in fact, goes beyond the boundaries of the school and connects adults, families and boys/girls in a horizon of meaning, projected towards an inclusive future.".

The funding request submitted by the Municipality of Padua falls within the scope of the presentation of projects for the inclusion and integration of Roma, Sinti and Caminanti children and adolescents provided for by the decree of the Directorate for the fight against poverty and social planning for the implementation of the interventions financed under the PN Inclusion 2021-2027. The proposed resolution does not entail any burden on the Municipal Budget.

Padova lotta alla povertà e all'emarginazione: al Comune un finanziamento di 1milione300mila euro per l'inclusione di bambini e adolescenti Rom, Sinti e Caminanti

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