Scampia: high impact, numerous checks and searches carried out

The "high impact" services of the State Police, the Carabinieri and the Guardia di Finanza continue. These result in 2 arrests, 1 complaint and numerous searches.

Scampia: high impact, numerous checks and searches carried out

On the morning of Tuesday 21 January, approximately 150 officers from various law enforcement agencies carried out numerous searches in the Scampia area and in particular in via Circumvallazione Esterna.

The activity in question led to thearrest of two people in execution of provisions for imprisonment, while another subject has been reported for unauthorized waste management following the discovery and subsequent seizure of 40 m3 of hazardous waste.

Scampia: alto impatto, eseguiti numerosi controlli e perquisizioni

During the service, the operators also had, a semi-automatic pistol was seized “Carl Walther” brand cal. 7.65 with relative ammunition, five valuable watches, 10 cell phones, various material used by the police consisting of radio transmitters, blue light signals, various manual signaling devices and some license plates, of which two pairs were stolen, numerous burglary tools and over 3.000 euros, divided into banknotes of different denominations; again, they were checks were carried out to verify compliance with the Highway Code and three vehicles were seized.

Scampia: alto impatto, eseguiti numerosi controlli e perquisizioni

The joint activity saw the participation of personnel from the Naples Flying Squad, the Scampia Police Station, the Canine Units of the General Prevention and Public Rescue Office, the Scientific Police, the Campania Crime Prevention Unit and the Mobile Unit; the Carabinieri of the Stella and Secondigliano Stations and the Operational Intervention Team as well as operators of the Guardia di Finanza with the ATPI component of the Emergency Response Group of Naples, Giugliano in Campania and a canine unit. The service in question also saw the participation of personnel from the Metropolitan Police and the Fire Brigade and was monitored from above by the helicopter of the VI Flight Unit of the State Police.

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