Naples: Carabinieri discover 36 animals in the apartment of a 70-year-old. Reported and reported to Social Services
The police intervene in a dispute and discover a 70-year-old who has 36 animals at home, including dogs and cats.
Naples: Carabinieri discover 36 animals in the apartment of a 70-year-old. Reported and reported to Social Services.
The Carabinieri operations center reports a dispute to a patrol at the Secondigliano station.
Whoever asks for the gazelle's intervention speaks of a stolen dog that a woman doesn't want to return.
The military intervened in via Cupa Santa Cesarea and the dispute was resolved. One of the parties involved was given back a small dog that had apparently been found wandering in the street.
Everything seems resolved but a nauseating smell worries the soldiers. As the carabinieri climb those stairs that lead to the fifth floor, not only does the stench increase moans are also heard.
The moans come from an apartment owned by a woman, one of the two protagonists of the argument that had occurred shortly before and who had preferred not to be seen.
The lady, a 70 year old, she locked herself in the house and doesn't want to open it to anyone. In the meantime, the Carabinieri report the incident to the veterinary doctors of the ASL of Naples who arrive on the scene in a few minutes. However, the woman does not change her mind and it is necessary the intervention of the firefighters authorized to enter the house by the Naples Prosecutor's Office.
Once inside you are amazed. 19 dogs and 17 cats in terrible sanitary conditions free and in cages. The owner of the house falls ill and the 118 staff transfers her to hospital.
The veterinary doctors involved transfer the animals to a designated facility not before having "chipped" those that were not.
The 70-year-old will be reported for animal cruelty but has also been reported to social services.
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