
Naples, infernal traffic in the hilly area of ​​the Neapolitan capital

Gennaro Capodanno returns once again to report the disastrous traffic conditions in the hilly area of ​​the Neapolitan capital

Naples, infernal traffic in the hilly area of ​​the Neapolitan capital

Gennaro Capodanno, president of the Comitato Valori collinari and former president of the Vomero district, once again reports the disastrous traffic conditions in the hilly area of ​​the Neapolitan capital, conditions that are worsening day by day.

"Hellish days in Vomero, a neighborhood gripped by vehicular traffic with a snake of sheet metal that winds from Piazza degli Artisti to Piazza Vanvitelli, but also along Via De Mura and Via Carelli as well as on Via Scarlatti and Via Cilea with presumable repercussions on smog as well – Capodanno begins -. The solution to the many traffic problems in the hilly district is far from being solved, since currently anyone who needs to leave the hilly district to go towards via Cilea or via Aniello Falcone can only do so via via Stanzione, a road that is completely inadequate for the amount of vehicles in transit. ".

Napoli, traffico infernale nell'area collinare del capoluogo partenopeo

“Unfortunately, things are even worse in the neighboring Arenella neighborhood,” Capodanno added. “In particular, in the stretch between Piazza degli Artisti, which is perpetually clogged, following the absurd and contested measure to close to traffic the stretch of the square that allows the roundabout but mainly to reach Via Merliani, through Via San Gennaro ad Antignano, since the large amount of cars that flow there cannot be processed through Via Recco alone, and Piazza Medaglie d'Oro, passing through Via Tino di Camaino, the latter perpetually clogged.”

"Right in Piazza Medaglie d'Oro, the only square in the country, as far as I know, where eight main roads converge. – Capodanno points out -. this morning, around 13:00, but it's not the first time and unfortunately I don't think it will be the last, a terrifying traffic jam was created, which also involved emergency vehicles, whose sirens blaring only fueled the noise pollution generated by the useless honking of horns, given that the snake of metal remained stationary or moved slowly at walking pace for a long time ".

“Even on this occasion – Capodanno underlines – but this observation is not new for the hilly area, there was no sign of any vigilance to try to unravel the intricate skein, which has become even more tangled with the passing of time, generating environmental pollution that, as one can imagine, will have skyrocketed”.

"Unfortunately – New Year's Eve continues -, as is now clear to everyone, the situation is getting worse as the Christmas period approaches, with peaks of Dante's Inferno on weekends ".

In terms of traffic, Capodanno once again calls for urgent and non-deferrable measures for the hilly area, in order to avoid the continuation of the episodes reported several times, also hoping for the intervention of the prefect and the chief prosecutor of the republic of Naples.

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