Naples: gender violence, in the Province the Carabinieri arrest 3 people in 24 hours

In the last 24 hours, in the province of Naples, the Carabinieri have arrested 3 people for gender violence. The Carabinieri of the Provincial Command of Naples would like to remind all victims of gender violence that they must report it.

Naples: gender violence, in the Province the Carabinieri arrest 3 people in 24 hours

In the last 24 hours, in the province of Naples, the Carabinieri have arrested 3 people for gender-based violence.

It's first light of dawn on Sunday and we are at Cisterna Castle, the Carabinieri of the local station together with the military of the Marigliano station, alerted by 112, intervened in an apartment where they find a house in disarray with a husband and wife insideHe is 45 years old while she is 40 years old, the woman is visibly affected, she had been beaten shortly before and still has signs of the violence on her body. The military reconstruct the story. He, presumably for reasons for jealousy, attacked his wife by hitting her kicks and punches. The victim was transferred to the Nola hospital for treatment while he was arrested. The 45-year-old is in prison, he will have to answer for mistreatment in the family and injuries.

A few hours pass, it is afternoon and another crime is being committed inside an apartment in Sant'Antimo. The family in question is already known to the police of the local Tenancy, the woman reported her husband for mistreatment and, by order of the judicial authorities, he is subjected to the precautionary measure of prohibition from approaching his wife, with an electronic bracelet. It is precisely the device that raises the alarm to 112 that sends the gazelles to the place. The soldiers find the 58-year-old in the house. The one who opened the door was his wife who had agreed to meet him. The man was arrested.

We arrive at this night and gender violence reaches a home of Greek's towerThe Carabinieri of the local company – alerted by 112 – intervened for a family quarrel. At home they are found husband and wife, investigations reveal that shortly before the two had argued and he, 51 years old, first threatened to kill his wife and then attacked her. Kicks, slaps and a punch straight to the eye for the victim. The carabinieri reconstruct the incident and violence suffered by the woman in the last three months – never reported – by her partner who uses drugs emerges. The victim was transferred to Maresca hospital while the man was arrested.

Napoli: violenza di genere, in Provincia i Carabinieri arrestano 3 persone in 24 ore

The Carabinieri of the Provincial Command of Naples would like to remind all victims of gender violence that they must report it.

From our website, furthermore, an entire thematic area has been dedicated to the “red code”, where it is possible to find lots of useful information on: stalking, bullying, cyberbullying, mistreatment, revenge porn, sexual violence, etc.

In the thematic area you can also find the “Violenzametro”, a self-assessment test, developed by the Criminological Analysis Department of the Carabinieri Scientific Investigations Group, to detect the signs of the level of gender violence suffered in a relationship. It contains useful advice for asking for support and help based on the level of violence encountered.

Link to the thematic area “red code”:

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