Naples: 17-year-old steals a cell phone, arrested by the State Police
After threatening a man, he had him hand over his cell phone and then fled.
Naples: 17-year-old steals a cell phone, arrested by the State Police.
The State Police arrested a 17-year-old Tunisian, with a criminal record, including specific ones, for robbery and resisting a public official.
In particular, the officers of the Vicaria-Mercato Police Station, during the territorial control service, while passing through via Lavinaio, noticed a man who, asking for help, was chasing two others in the direction of Piazza Garibaldi.
Therefore, the operators promptly reached and, with no small difficulty, blocked one of the two fugitives in via Lavinaio at the corner with via Santi Quaranta, ascertaining that the same, shortly before, together with the accomplice who managed to disappear, after having threatened the man had made him hand over his cell phone and then fled; for this reason, the suspect was arrested by the operating personnel.
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