Ercolano: 60 thousand euros of jewels stolen, two women arrested and hunt for the third

Arrested by the Carabinieri, 2 women, for stealing 60 thousand euros of jewelry last August 2024 in a jewelry store in Ercolano. The third accomplice is currently actively sought. The three had already been convicted of property crimes.

Ercolano: 60 thousand euros of jewels stolen, two women arrested and hunt for the third

The Carabinieri of the Zingonia branch and those of the Carabinieri Stations of Sesto San Giovanni and Misano Adriatico, sub-delegated and in agreement with the Carabinieri Branch of Ercolano, on 21 January 2025, hanno dato execution of the personal custody order issued against 3 women, already convicted for property crimes, as they are seriously suspected of a theft with dexterity. Two women have been arrested while the third has disappeared and is actively sought.

The facts refer to the month of August 2024, when the three women, disguised by wigs and glasses, entered a jewelry store in Ercolano, where they asked for information on purchasing jewelry. The next day they showed up again, proceeding to purchase some jewelry, paying a fee of 800 euros in cash. On that occasion, after having thus gained the trust of the owner who was induced to move away from the counter, they had skillfully taken possession of a roll of precious gold bracelets, worth approximately 60.000 euros. The owner of the jewelry store had noticed the theft only the next day, and filed a complaint with the Carabinieri.

Ercolano: rubano 60mila euro di gioielli, arrestate due donne ed è caccia alla terza

The investigators of the Ercolano Police Department identified the perpetrators of the crime following the acquisition of internal and external cameras of the commercial activity. During the investigations it emerged that the women had specific precedents, for similar thefts committed in various Italian cities.

One of the suspects, after the formal procedures, was transferred to the county jail, while one was placed under house arrest at her home.


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