Cercola: possession of clandestine firearm and laundering of stolen cars, 48-year-old arrested by the Carabinieri

The Carabinieri of Cercola arrested, for possession of a clandestine firearm and laundering stolen cars, a 48-year-old local man, already known to the police. The man is currently in prison, awaiting trial, but investigations continue to trace the identity of the accomplice who managed to escape the patrol.

Cercola: possession of clandestine firearm and laundering of stolen cars, 48-year-old arrested by the Carabinieri

The Carabinieri of the Cercola branch arrested a 48-year-old local man, already known to the police, for possession of an illegal firearm and laundering stolen vehicles.

He was caught by the military while he was modifying the chassis of a stolen SUV, on which a counterfeit license plate had also been mounted. The man was not alone and fled as soon as he noticed the patrol.

The 48-year-old was stopped, the accomplice managed to escape but investigations continue to trace his identity.

Cercola: detenzione di arma da fuoco clandestina e riciclaggio di autovetture rubate, 48enne arrestato dai Carabinieri

In his home, a gun with a scratched serial number was found, with 4 bullets in the tank and 2500 euros in cash believed to be illicit proceeds. Also at home, they found counterfeit documents, a notebook, some multi-material printers for the production of license plates, vehicle registration documents and false identification documents. In a van parked outside the house, all the material needed to steal vehicles and modify the chassis and license plate was found. The balance sheet also included a jammer, holographic emblems of the Italian Republic on adhesive paper, tools for punching frames, grinders.

The man ended up in handcuffs and he is now in prison, awaiting trial.

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