Naples: 47-year-old arrested for trying to escape a check

an arrest

Naples: 47-year-old arrested for trying to escape a check

The State Police has arrested for aggravated personal injury, resisting a public official and aggravated damage to the assets of the Public Administration an 47 year old of Caivano with police history. In particular, the agents of the Afragola Police Station, during the territorial control service, while driving along Via Atellana in Caivano, they noticed on board a car a person known to them who, having noticed their presence, accelerated to avoid the check even though he had been ordered to stop.

He was born of it a chase during which the driver performed dangerous maneuvers for road traffic until, after having impacted against the door of the service car, he was reached by the police and stopped not without difficulty in via Pizzo delle Canne in the municipality of Crispano. For these reasons, the suspect was arrested by the operating personnel.

Napoli: Tenta di sfuggire ad un controllo, arrestato 47enne

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