Naples, Neres robbed of a watch worth over 100 thousand euros. Carabinieri execute precautionary measure for 3 people

The three suspects allegedly committed a violent robbery against a SSC Napoli player, managing in particular to steal a designer watch worth over €100

Naples, Neres robbed of a watch worth over 100 thousand euros. Carabinieri execute precautionary measure for 3 people

By delegation of the Public Prosecutor of Naples, it is hereby communicated that, this morning, as part of investigative activities coordinated by the Public Prosecutor's Office of Naples, the Carabinieri of the Investigative Unit have executed a custodial order issued by the Judge for Preliminary Investigations of the local Court, against three people considered seriously suspected of the crime of complicity in aggravated robbery.

From the investigative findings collected it would have emerged that the three suspects allegedly committed a violent robbery on September 1st against a SSC Napoli player, managing in particular to steal a designer watch worth over €100.

Napoli, rapinano Neres di un orologio da oltre 100mila euro. Carabinieri eseguono misura cautelare per 3 persone

The robbers allegedly reached the minivan in which the footballer was travelling, at the end of a football match and during the journey back to a hotel in the capital, and while he was stuck in traffic they broke the rear window of the vehicle, making him hand over the valuables under the threat of a gun, before fleeing.

The criminal action, according to the investigations developed by the Carabinieri investigators coordinated by the Judicial Authority of Naples, would have been premeditated by the relevant perpetrators.

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