Naples: Extraordinary territorial control service in Secondigliano, 35 people identified
control of the territory
Naples: Extraordinary territorial control service in Secondigliano, 35 people identified
The State Police personnel carried out a extraordinary territorial control service in Secondigliano. In particular, the officers of the Secondigliano Police Station, together with personnel from the Municipal Police - Building Protection Unit, Motorcyclists Unit and Lawyers Unit -, from the ASL Napoli1 Centro - Collective Prevention Unit - and the Veterinary Service and the ENEL technicians, with the collaboration of the Nibbio of the General Prevention and Public Rescue Office, have 35 people were identified, 14 of whom had a criminal record, 10 vehicles were checked, 3 of which were subject to administrative seizure and one to administrative detention, and 10 violations of the Highway Code were contested.
Again, over the course of the service, operators have 4 commercial activities were checked, the owners of which were administratively sanctioned for illegal occupation of public land, failure to separate waste, violations regarding noise impact, for having installed advertising signs without the required license and for serving food and drinks at tables without the required authorizations; one of the owners was also reported for violating the seals and violating building regulations because he had completed a previously seized structure and used it as a food and beverage serving area.
Finally, a subject was reported for driving without a license, the aforementioned violation having been repeated in the two-year period, and have been A total of 90 kg of untraceable food was seized.
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