Naples: Extraordinary checks at Porta Capuana, two people arrested
Two people arrested after being caught with drugs
Naples: Extraordinary checks at Porta Capuana, two people arrested
I continue extraordinary control services prepared by the Naples Police Headquarters to combat the phenomena of illegal possession of weapons and drug trafficking. Following the aforementioned checks, the State Police arrested two individuals for illicit possession of narcotic substances.
In particular, the officers of the Vicariate-Market Police Station in Vico Cappella in Pontenuovo, on the corner with Via Santa Caterina a Formiello, they noticed a subject who, in exchange for money, gave something to a person; the latter then hastily walked away.
The police officers, who intervened promptly, they stopped the aforementioned, finding him in possession of 3 packages of cocaine, a small bag of marijuana and 70 euros, divided into banknotes of different denominations; therefore, the suspect, identified as an 18-year-old originally from El Salvador, was arrested.
Again, the officers, while passing through Piazza San Francesco a Capuana, they noticed a man who, at the sight of them, moved away in the direction of via Cesare Rosaroll in an attempt to evade the control.
The officers promptly reached him and stopped him, finding him in possession of 11 packages of cocaine, 2 bags of marijuana and 45 euros.; for these reasons, the defendant, a 32-year-old of Nigerian origins who is illegally residing in the country and has a criminal record, including specific ones, was arrested for the crimes mentioned above.
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