Naples, 22-Year-Old Suffers Kicks, Punches, Bites and Kidnapping in a Hotel Room. Carabinieri Arrest Ex-Boyfriend

The arrested person was transferred to prison at the disposal of the Neapolitan Judicial Authority of the fourth section, specialized in crimes of gender violence.

Naples, 22-Year-Old Suffers Kicks, Punches, Bites and Kidnapping in a Hotel Room. Carabinieri Arrest Ex-Boyfriend

A terrible story begins on Christmas night and recalls recent dramatic events. We are in Naples and we talk about a sick love.

She is 22 years old while he is 23. Their relationship ended in early December after a story that lasted ten months but he does not want to know about ending it.
It's Christmas and it's one in the morning. IThe young man is under his ex's house and sees her, having left the house, getting into a car with some friends. They are waiting for her to go party. He decides to follow them but she notices him. A brief chase ensues and fortunately the girl and her friends manage to disappear.
But he doesn't give up and somehow finds out that his ex will be sleeping that night in the historic center of Naples, at a friend's house. The stakeout begins under that apartment with messages from the boy that will bombard the 23-year-old's smartphone all night long.

Napoli, 22enne subisce calci, pugni, morsi e il sequestro in una stanza di un hotel. Carabinieri arrestano l'ex fidanzato

It's 13pm on Christmas Day and the victim decides to answer the boy's calls. He begs her to meet him and she falls into the trap of the last meetingThe girl leaves her friend's house and gets into the car of the man who will soon be her tormentor.

The two will go to the belvedere area of ​​the Vesuvius park. It is a place they both know, they have been there other times in the past. After 40 minutes of travel they arrive at their destination and, suddenly, the 23-year-old's cell phone receives a notification. The message comes from a friends' chat: it will be the beginning of the nightmare.

The 23-year-old snatches the smartphone from the girl's hands and destroys it. He grabs the victim and begins to savagely beat her with punches, slaps and bites. During the attack, the 23-year-old filmed the scene with his cell phone. The images recorded show the victim's swollen and bloody face and the moment when she - lying on the ground - was kicked in the back of the head.

But he doesn't want to stop and picks up the girl by weight and puts her in the car. During the trip, the 23-year-old will stop at a pharmacy in Secondigliano where he will buy some ice and ointments for the bruises. The girl is now terrified and doesn't even try to escape anymore. He decides not to accompany her home. She has to stay with him until the bruises are removed.
It is now 19pm on Christmas Eve and the car carrying the two takes the road to Qualiano, north of Naples. Arriving near a hotel, the 22-year-old takes the victim's ID and, while she stays in the car, registers her at the facility. She will enter the motel wearing a sweatshirt hood. She is now subjugated and annihilated, she will not utter a word or make any gesture to ask for help.
The girl stays with him in the room begging him to take her home. He doesn't want to.

They spend the whole night in the hotel and fortunately on the morning of December 26 the girl manages to convince him. She tells him that she would tell her family that she had been beaten by some girls because of jealousy. He accepts and takes the girl to her grandparents in Naples and then leaves, but not before leaving her his smartphone – the one with the videos inside.
The girl will tell her grandparents what she agreed with the 23-year-old but the elderly couple do not believe a word. The victim's mother arrives and the truth comes out.

It is 21pm on Boxing Day and the girl is in the CTO hospital in Capodimonte. For her, a prognosis of 40 days and a report that speaks of "Fracture of the nasal bone, contusions, hematomas and multiple abrasions on the face, hands and legs. State of serious mental agitation".
There are 15 minutes to go until December 27th and the paramedics alert the Carabinieri of the Capodimonte station. The victim – discharged and welcomed into the pink room “all to herself” of the station – will tell the hours of agony to the soldiers who in the meantime have already acquired the video of the attacks in close synergy with the Neapolitan judicial authorities.

The man fled but the Carabinieri found the 6-year-old's car at around 27am on 23 December, which had been left in via Cesare Rosaroll. The soldiers – in plain clothes – lie in wait for hours near the vehicle waiting for a hand to open that door. In the meantime, the search is launched for the man who may have taken a train, hidden in some B&B or found refuge at a friend's house.
The search never stopped and finally on the evening of December 30th the turning point came when the victim received very long delirious messages from fake social profiles.
The Carabinieri found the 23-year-old in a B&B in Agnano where he had hidden using an identity document of a friend of his, the latter was reported.
The arrested person was transferred to prison at the disposal of the Neapolitan Judicial Authority of the fourth section, specialized in crimes of gender violence. coordinated by the deputy prosecutor Raffaello Falcone who followed the investigations step by step and who had arranged for and had the Mobile Angel device delivered to the victim.

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