
Naples: a precautionary custody order was executed which provides for the measure of house arrest against a subject burdened by numerous criminal records for crimes against property

The subject is considered to be seriously suspected of the crime of aggravated burglary.

Naples: a precautionary custody order was executed, which provides for the measure of house arrest against a subject burdened by numerous criminal records for property crimes.

By delegation of the Public Prosecutor, the State Police personnel executed a precautionary custody order that provides for the measure of house arrest, issued by the Court of Naples - GIP Section, at the request of the VII Investigation Section of the Public Prosecutor's Office at the Court of Naples, against a person burdened by numerous criminal records for property crimes and already subjected to house arrest, as he was considered a serious suspect in relation to the crime of aggravated home theft.

Specifically, the aforementioned, last February, allegedly stole the sum of 4.000 euros kept in an apartment located in Ercolano, using violence on property.
The investigations, conducted by the agents of the Portici-Ercolano Police Station, which materialized among other things in the viewing of video surveillance images and in a series of checks, allowed to reconstruct that the suspect would have forced a French window of the living room balcony and, once inside the house, would have rummaged through the bedroom and stolen the sum in question, divided in various parts of the house, including a piggy bank.

Napoli: eseguita un'ordinanza di custodia cautelare che dispone la misura degli arresti domiciliari a carico di un soggetto gravato da numerosi precedenti penali per reati contro il patrimonio.

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