Naples, House of Cultures and Hospitality of LGBTQI+ people: the agreement with the Municipality has been renewed

The House of Cultures and Hospitality of LGBTQI+ people guarantees psychological and legal support, accompaniment to social and health services

Naples, House of Cultures and Hospitality for LGBTQI+ people: the agreement with the Municipality has been renewed.

The three-year agreement between the Municipality of Naples and the Antinoo Arcigay Napoli Association for the joint management of the House of Cultures and the reception of LGBTQI+ people has been renewed, located in Naples at Via Carelli n. 8/c.

The House of Cultures and Hospitality of LGBTQI+ people guarantees psychological and legal support, accompaniment to social and health services, a space dedicated to job orientation and training, protection and temporary reception for LGBTQI+ people in conditions of socio-housing fragility.

"The precious and profitable synergy between the municipal administration and the Antinoo Arcigay Napoli Association continues  - declared the Councilor for Sport and Equal Opportunities, Emanuela Ferrantewho, together, carry out the activities of the House of Cultures and the Welcoming of LGBTQI+ people. We have recorded a truly positive balance in terms of welcome, assistance and protection guaranteed to LGBTQI+ people who are victims of domestic violence or in conditions of economic hardship. I am proud to be able to say that Naples stands out, once again, for being an inclusive city and on the side of people who are victims of unequal treatment and violence due to their sexual orientation or gender identity. "

The House of Cultures and Hospitality of LGBTQI+ people is a project born from the collaboration between the Municipality of Naples and the Antinoo Arcigay Napoli Association which, as leader, operates together with the following partner organisations: APS Le Maree Napoli, Transsexual Association of Naples, Centro Sinapsi, Arci Mediterraneo Impresa Sociale SRL, Volunteering Organization Pride Vesuvio Rainbow, ASD Pochos Napoli 2012, ODV Agedo Nazionale, Famiglie Arcobaleno Association of Homosexual Parents, Cooperativa Sociale Dedalus and Nefresh Onlus – Psychologists and Psychotherapists associated for individuals and families, with the support of the Nuovo Teatro Sanità and the Order of Psychologists of the Campania Region. 

Napoli, Casa delle Culture e dell'Accoglienza delle persone LGBTQI+: rinnovato l'accordo col Comune


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