Torre del Greco: attempts to rob a shop, arrested by the police.

A 49-year-old man was stopped by officers while he was threatening a shopkeeper with a knife. He also resisted the police.

Torre del Greco: attempts to rob a shop, arrested by the police.

La State Police arrested a 49 year old from Torre del Greco on charges of attempted robbery, threat e resistance to a Public Official.

In particular, the agents of Torre del Greco police station, during specific control services, they noticed in Avezzana course a man who, with his face covered by a helmet and a neck warmer, was entering a commercial activity. Suspicious of the subject's attitude, the officers followed him and surprised him while threatening the shopkeeper with a knife in an attempt to rob him.

At the sight of the police, the man fled, continuing to brandish the weapon even at the officers. After a brief chase, the police managed to disarm him and block him outside the commercial premises, despite the difficulties encountered during the intervention.

The man was arrested and will be available to the judicial authorities to answer to the serious charges brought against him.

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