Torre del Greco: Married couple goes to the police station to file a complaint, the woman's husband is arrested

an arrest

Torre del Greco: Married couple goes to the police station to file a complaint, the woman's husband is arrested

We are in Torre del Greco. The Carabinieri barracks has just entered a married couple. They are a man and a woman and they are 61 and 60 years old. The two ask to file a complaint. Nothing transcendental: a complaint related to problems that can arise daily in any family. The marshal welcomes them and begins to listen to the facts that are being told. Routine in short, but the couple's attitude - somewhere between fearful and distrustful - arouses suspicion in the soldier who walks away to calmly delve into the matter.

The soldier carries out checks on the couple waiting in the waiting room and the truth emerges. The man is subjected to the precautionary measure of prohibition from approaching the injured party and the victim is his wife who is sitting next to him at that moment. The 61-year-old should also wear an electronic bracelet which was installed last October by order of the judicial authorities.

The carabinieri return to the couple and ask for clarification, the bracelet emerges from the cuff of the 61-year-old's jacket. The two – since last December and without the knowledge of the prosecutor and the Carabinieri – they got back together and were living together. To deceive the location of the bracelet, the couple had decided to leave the smartphone given to the woman and which was connected to the device worn by the man inside the car at a distance of more than 500 meters from the residence. The 61-year-old was arrested for violating the restraining order; the complaint was duly filed.

Torre del Greco: Coppia di coniugi va in caserma per presentare una denuncia, arrestato il marito della donna

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