Casalnuovo di Napoli: he escapes, bites a shopkeeper and pushes a policeman, arrested

The arrested 24-year-old, a citizen of Casalnuovo di Napoli, is currently awaiting trial for the crimes of evasion, resistance and assault.

Casalnuovo di Napoli: he escapes, bites a shopkeeper and pushes a policeman, arrested

In Casalnuovo di Napoli the Carabinieri of the local Tenenza arrested for evasion, resistance and injuries, a 24-year-old local man already known to the police.

The man, despite the precautionary measure, left his home and entered a bar with a baseball bat. The 24-year-old, for no apparent reason, first attacked the business owner with the club when he asked him what he was doing with the tool and then bit him on the ear.

Casalnuovo di Napoli: evade, prende a morsi un negoziante e spintona un carabiniere, arrestato

After the attack, the 24-year-old returned home and the police found him there and arrested him. During the operation, one of the soldiers, in an attempt to block the man, was violently pushed.

The shopkeeper was transferred to the hospital with a reserved prognosis but his life is not in danger. The carabiniere has a 5-day prognosis. The arrested man is awaiting trial.

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