Caivano: drugs "from" home, 61-year-old pusher arrested by the Carabinieri

From drugs at home to drugs "from" home is a game of prepositions, it is also a practical sales method, for those who do not intend to move from home to take care of business.

Caivano: drugs "from" home, 61-year-old pusher arrested by the Carabinieri.

From drugs at home to drugs "from" home is a game of prepositions.

It is also a practical sales method, for those who do not intend to leave home to take care of business.
Eugenio Ottaiano, a 61-year-old from Caivano already known to the police, was arrested for drug dealing by the Carabinieri of the Caivano company.

The 61-year-old had set up a drug dealing space in his apartment, on the mezzanine floor of a building in via Pio IX. From the window the money-dose exchange.
The military raid began during one of these sales and the "customer" was identified and sanctioned.
In Ottaiano's house there were 28 doses of cocaine, a block of hashish weighing almost 40 grams and 470 euros in cash believed to be illicit proceeds.
The man ended up in handcuffs and is now in prison, awaiting trial.

Caivano: droga "dal" domicilio, pusher 61enne arrestato dai Carabinieri.

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