Milano, three new areas will be pedestrianised
The commitment continues Milano for the safety of children in front of schools and create new spaces for sociality and liveability in the neighborhood with three new areas dedicated to pedestrians. The three areas are in via De Nicola, corso Concordia and via Santa Marta.
Milano, three new areas will be pedestrianised
The Administration's commitment to the safety of boys and girls continues and to allocate new spaces for sociality and liveability of the neighborhood with three new areas that will be pedestrianized.
Si This is the area currently used as a car park in front of the primary school “De Nicola” between via Enrico De Nicola and piazza Enzo Paci, of the Corso Concordia side streets (in the stretches between via Carlo Poerio and piazza del Tricolore and between piazza del Tricolore and via Pietro Calvi) and via Santa Marta, between via San Maurilio and via del Bollo.
The first, in Town Hall 6, is part of the public notice “Open Squares for every school'' to promote new interventions near nursery, primary and secondary schools.
Si located within a predominantly residential urban fabric, in front of the 'De Nicola' primary school e near the nursery school, of the De Nicola sports center and the Cascina Bianca park, attractive places for the inhabitants of the neighborhood. In this context it was therefore deemed necessary to increase safety for all those who attend schools and the surrounding areas.
The second area, i side streets of Corso Concordia in Municipality 6, was affected by the works of the M4 also with superficial redevelopments. These interventions have led to a reorganization of the streets with a section already pedestrianized. Now the pedestrian space will be expanded and made permanent, also considering the presence of a densely residential fabric with various commercial presences.
Finally via Santa Marta, in Town Hall 1, falls within the territorial scope known as "Milano Roman” is characterized from the presence of archaeological finds dating back to ancient Rome, including the imperial palace, built by Emperor Maximian and the Roman circus.
During the years, considered also its location in a central area with an influx of tourists, is a valorization process has been started with a progressive redevelopment of public spaces e expansion of pedestrian areas, including the pedestrianization of the southern part of Piazza Mentana and Piazza Pio XI, in front of the Pinacoteca Ambrosiana.
Street, Moreover, is characterized by an extremely small roadway and the absence of pavements, is make the presence of pedestrians and vehicles uncomfortable. At the time of actual pedestrianization the metal arches will also be removed, no longer necessary, placed to protect pedestrians.
"Greater security - underlines Arianna Censi, councilor for Mobility - it is an essential part of these interventions, but it is not the only one. Milano it is changing its appearance, it is becoming a city where it is increasingly beautiful to walk and where the inhabitants themselves require public spaces in which to meet. More importance is given to quality of life and free time and our Administration is responding to these needs".
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