Milano, a disjointed criminal organization dedicated to international drug trafficking. The State Police executes a custodial order in prison against 8 people

Among the recipients of the precautionary measure are some individuals already arrested as part of the "double curve" investigation because they were considered participants in the criminal association attributable to the leaders of the ultras fans of the south curve of Milan faith

Milano, a disjointed criminal organization dedicated to international drug trafficking. The State Police executes a custodial order in prison against 8 people

In the morning, the State Police, coordinated by the District Anti-Mafia Directorate of the Public Prosecutor's Office of Milano, executed a custody order in prison, issued by the GlP at the Court of Milano, against 8 people, considered to be seriously suspected of belonging to a criminal association aimed at international drug trafficking (cocaine, hashish and marijuana).

Milano, disarticolata organizzazione criminale dedita al narcotraffico internazionale. La Polizia di Stato esegue un’ordinanza di custodia cautelare in carcere a carico di 8 persone

The restrictive measures arise from an independent investigative branch which is being investigated further by the Flying Squad of Milano as part of the investigations following the ambush suffered by ANGHINELLI Enzo on the morning of 12 April 2019, in relation to which the alleged instigator and the alleged material perpetrator have already been hit by a precautionary measure. In particular, the circumstantial evidence underlying today's precautionary measures is the result of meticulous analysis and subsequent verification of communications held by the suspects with encrypted platforms identified by investigators of the Flying Squad and acquired by the Italian judicial authorities, with the coordination of Eurojust and Europol.

Among the recipients of the precautionary measure are some individuals already arrested as part of the “double curve” investigation because they were considered participants in the criminal association attributable to the leaders of the ultras fans of the Curva Sud of Milan faith. At the same time as the execution of the precautionary measure, 13 search warrants issued by the DDA were executed Milano against an equal number of suspects who were not subject to precautionary measures since the GlP, although acknowledging the serious evidence of a crime, did not consider the precautionary measures to be necessary.

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