Cologno Monzese, Prevention and fight against violence against women with the “Artemisia” Project

A concrete commitment against violence against women: the Artemisia Project of Cologno Monzese between listening, awareness and prevention.

Cologno Monzese, Prevention and fight against violence against women with the “Artemisia” Project.

The Municipality of Cologno Monzese renews its commitment against violence against women with the “Artemisia” Project, active since 2011. Approved again in 2024, the project includes a listening, orientation and support centre for women in difficulty, as well as awareness-raising and training initiatives. Created in collaboration with the association “Con Noi e Dopo di Noi” and the supra-municipal center VeNuS, Artemisia aims to prevent violence through education and support in the territory. Among the main objectives are support for victims, cultural change and training for teachers and law enforcement. Mayor Stefano Zanelli and Deputy Mayor Loredana Manzi underline the importance of the project to build a safer and more aware community.

With City Council resolution no. 269 of 31 December 2024, the Artemisia project “Prevention and fight against violence against women” was approved. This, launched in 2011, represents a pillar of the commitment to protecting women, fighting violence and promoting a culture based on respect and equal opportunities.

From the beginning, the establishment of a listening, orientation and support center was planned, dedicated to women in difficult and uncomfortable situations and supported by the creation of training and awareness-raising moments to prevent and combat all forms of violence.

The project has been repeated annually up to now and its implementation was possible thanks to the precious collaboration with the Association “Con Noi e Dopo di Noi” of the Cologno Monzese area, which made available a technical team of specialists for the planning and concrete implementation of all the planned actions.

“We wanted to develop the services provided in collaboration with the Association “Con Noi e Dopo di Noi”, focusing on educational and support activities carried out in collaboration with schools – Deputy Mayor and Councillor for Equal Opportunities Loredana Manzi declared with satisfaction – in this sense, the VeNuS listening center, now active in a supra-municipal form, will interface with the municipal administration and the project team”.

Vicesindaca e Assessora alle Pari Opportunità Loredana Manzi
Deputy Mayor and Councilor for Equal Opportunities Loredana Manzi (FB Photo)


The Artemisia project aims to establish a territorial garrison, offering guidance to women victims of violence; to promote a cultural change through awareness and training; to prevent all forms of violence and abuse, educating new generations to respect and non-violence; and to offer training/information courses to teachers and law enforcement.

“Ours is a continuous and determined commitment – states Mayor Stefano Zanelli – projects like Artemisia are essential in helping to respond to emergency situations and in building a more aware and united community, where every woman can feel protected and valued. I invite everyone to support the initiatives present in the territory through participation and sharing, because together we can make a difference”.

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