Milano: a new Specialist Directorate for Legality and Controls led by Marco Ciacci has been established and Gianluca Mirabelli has been appointed Commander of the Local Police Force

The Municipal Administration has decided to consolidate its control over all aspects connected to legality, also in view of the approaching 2026 Olympics, through a new specialized Legality and Controls Directorate.

Milano: a new Specialist Directorate for Legality and Controls led by Marco Ciacci has been established and Gianluca Mirabelli has been appointed Commander of the Local Police Force.

The municipal administration has decided to consolidate the garrison on all related aspects to legality, also in view of the approaching Olympics of 2026, through a new Legality and Controls Specialist Department.

This Directorate will be responsible for the supervision and coordination of the various actions to safeguard the principles of legality and transparency, prevention of corruption, protection of personal data, fight against tax evasion and money laundering, always in close relation with the Committee for Legality and Anti-Mafia Committee, as well as in coordination with all internal departments of the Municipality and external authorities.

At the head of this Directorate, which will come into force starting from next October 1st, the Mayor of Milano Giuseppe Sala appoints Mark Ciacci, 53 years old, currently Commander of the local Police.

Contextually Gianluca Mirabelli is appointed by the Mayor Commander of the Local Police Corps and Director of the Urban Security Department. Mirabelli, 46, has held the position of operations director and, previously, chief of staff of the local police force of Milano.


Gianluca Mirabelli
Gianluca Mirabelli
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