Milano: Convicted for extortion and robbery, State Police arrests a fugitive

Inside the house, two blank pistols without red caps were found and seized, along with their ammunition (a 92 caliber pistol and a revolver) and a balaclava.

Milano: Convicted for extortion and robbery, State Police arrests a fugitive

The State Police of Milano ha identified and arrested, dopo almost a year of hiding, a citizen of Palermo 51 years, convicted for property crime, on whom there was an arrest warrant pending for a final sentence of 6 years of imprisonment for extortion and aggravated robbery, facts dating back to 2019.

The arrest of the fugitive was the result of the extensive knowledge of the Milanese criminal fabric by the police officers of the Flying Squad. The man, in fact, already arrested in the past by the Anti-Robbery Section, was SCTI is recognized by the policemen, employed in another service, while he was walking in Ambrogio Binda Street.

Milano: condannato per estorsione e rapina, Polizia di Stato arresta un latitante

The officers, aware of the arrest warrant issued by the Public Prosecutor's Office at the Ordinary Court of Como on 29th November 2023 towards him, they immediately stopped and checked.

The man was found in possession of a set of keys to the apartment where he lived, not far from the place of the check. Inside the house were found two blank pistols without red cap and relative ammunition (a 92 caliber pistol and a revolver) it's a balaclava, all material placed underneath seizure not excluding that it may have been used to commit robberies.

Milano: condannato per estorsione e rapina, Polizia di Stato arresta un latitante

The fugitive was an "old acquaintance" of the police officers of the Anti-Robbery Section of the Flying Squad as in October 2015 was arrested following a large-scale operation by the judicial police, in collaboration with the Cantonal Police, which involved a criminal group dedicated to armed bank robberies. On that occasion, the criminal group composed of 6 Italian citizens had planned an assault on an armored van belonging to a Ticino company which would have yielded a loot of approximately 5 million francs. After crossing the border, the 51-year-old and his accomplices were stopped aboard a stolen van inside which they were keeping numerous large-caliber weapons.

Milano: condannato per estorsione e rapina, Polizia di Stato arresta un latitante

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