Milano, urban regeneration: new step forward for the Lorenteggio neighborhood program agreement

"A new step forward for the program agreement between the Lombardy Region, Aler and the Municipality of Milano"

Milano, urban regeneration: new step forward for the Lorenteggio neighborhood program agreement

The regional council, on the proposal of the councilor with responsibility for housing and social housing, approved the resolution that defines the methods of implementation of article 4 of the Program Agreement (ADP) and in particular establishes the transfer of ownership of the areas in favor of the Municipality of Milano, on which the new public square will be built in correspondence with the new M4 stop on the area subject to demolition of the building in via Segneri.

“A new step forward – explains the regional councilor for housing and social housing – for the program agreement between the Lombardy Region, Aler and the Municipality of Milano for the redevelopment of the Lorenteggio neighborhood. We are thus moving in the direction long traced through the 'Lombardy mission' which provides for a decisive change of pace in all housing policies. Goals that can be achieved also and above all through the synergy between Institutions".

The agreement approved by the regional executive indicates the compensations between the Municipality of Milano and Aler Milano defined in a previous meeting between the parties during which the Municipality's request to Milano to verify the possibility on Aler's part Milano to extend the period of free loan for the 'Community Hub', currently envisaged in the Memorandum of Understanding of 2 March 2018 for a duration of 20 years and which will be carried out following the demolition and reconstruction of the building in via Giambellino 150 and will cost 2.556.561 euros.

Among the contents that characterize the provision, the increase in the contribution originally foreseen by the Lorenteggio AdP for the creation of the "Community Hub".
By the Municipality of Milano was the contribution for this work has been increased to 2.184.781 euros compared to what was initially foreseen, 1.500.000 euros.

The measure also includes the reconveyance of the surface rights granted to Aler di Milano pursuant to the Agreements stipulated with the municipality in 2009 and 2010 relating to the 'via Montepenice-via Pizzolpasso' area in order to implement the 'Forest of music' project in Rogoredo.

This intervention is foreseen by the Memorandum of Understanding and the Agreement between the Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility, the Ministry of University and Research, the Lombardy Region, the Municipality of Milano, Giuseppe Verdi Conservatory of Milano signed on April 11, 2022 and June 17, 2022.

A new multifunctional structure dedicated to music will be built in Rogoredo, equipped with classrooms, laboratories, auditoriums, accommodation, refreshment areas and everything needed to make the spaces useful for use by students, in the perspective of the functional and urban redevelopment of the entire area made available by the Municipal Administration of Milano.

The resolution of the Regional Council also includes the transformation of the surface right, granted by the Municipality of Milano in Aler Milano for the area 'Via Bolla – Via Consolini', with full ownership rights, through the definition of the legal relationships between the Lombardy Region, the Municipality of Milano and Aler Milano, recognizing the expenses incurred by ALER Milano, equal to 434.568 euros.

Milano, rigenerazione urbana: nuovo passo avanti per accordo programma quartiere Lorenteggio

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