Lombardy, Public safety, radicalization and civil coexistence: motion of the League for urgent measures against degradation and violence

The Regional Council of Lombardy proposes targeted interventions to combat radicalization, sexual harassment and urban decay, strengthening security and civil values.

Lombardy, Public Safety, Radicalization and Civil Coexistence: Motion by the League for Urgent Measures Against Degradation and Violence.

Urgent measures to protect public safety and civil coexistence: preventing violence, degradation and radicalization

The Regional Council of Lombardy has adopted a firm position on issues of public safety and civil coexistence, addressing issues of growing social concern such as radicalization, urban decay, sexual harassment and collective violence, by presenting a specific motion.

The need for integrated security

The document's premise emphasizes that integration cannot be reduced to simple work or housing placement. It must include the adoption and respect of fundamental Italian values, institutions and cultural traditions. The need to promote respect for laws and civil values ​​arises from numerous episodes of contempt towards Italian institutions and hostile attitudes towards the host culture.

Incidents of public disorder and violence

Among the episodes that have attracted public attention, the document mentions the serious events that occurred during New Year's Eve in Milano, where is it:

  • Groups of young people insulted the police and denigrated Italian institutions.
  • There have been incidents of collective sexual violence, such as the harassment suffered by a Belgian student and other women in Piazza Duomo, attributable to the phenomenon known as taharrush gamea.

These events highlight not only the urgency of preventing acts of degradation and insecurity, but also the need to decisively address the problem of radicalization that can fuel such behavior.

A widespread phenomenon in Europe

The document recalls other similar incidents that have occurred in Europe, such as the New Year's Eve violence in Cologne (2015) and the harassment documented in cities such as Zurich, Salzburg and Helsinki. In addition, there are cases such as the grooming gangs in the United Kingdom, which have demonstrated how excessive tolerance towards deviant behaviour can undermine the authority of the State and increase the population's sense of insecurity.

Consiglio Regione Lombardia

The proposals of the Regional Council

The Regional Council of Lombardy, after having expressed firm condemnation for the serious episodes of violence and solidarity with the victims, has advanced the following requests:

  1. Approval of the bill on public safety: Urge a rapid final approval of the law under discussion in the Senate, in order to introduce more effective legislative tools.
  2. More stringent criteria for citizenship: Strengthen procedures for the acquisition and revocation of citizenship for those who commit serious crimes, improving national security.
  3. Measures to counter radicalization and urban decay: Support policies that provide for the withdrawal of welfare benefits for those who seriously violate Italian laws.
  4. Strengthening expulsions and repatriations: Strengthen control of illegal immigration and adopt a more effective system of repatriation for foreigners guilty of serious crimes.

A commitment to social cohesion

The Council reiterates that Italy is a land of rights, but also of duties. Freedom must be exercised in compliance with the rules and civil values. It is essential that law enforcement agencies be put in a position to intervene effectively to guarantee public safety and prevent episodes of violence and degradation.

With these measures, we aim to decisively address the problems related to public safety, civil coexistence and respect for institutions, promoting an integration model based on shared values ​​and the protection of the community.

Alessandro Corbetta: Group Leader of the League in the Lombardy Region

“Following the very serious events on New Year's Eve in Piazza Duomo, where gangs of young North African foreigners insulted the police, insulted our country and committed gang violence against girls and young women, and also following the events in Busto Arsizio, where the police were attacked again by gangs of foreigners and following what we have seen in recent days in Italian cities with clashes and violence, the League has presented a motion of censure of all these events in the Regional Council of Lombardy and we ask the Government to continue with the measures to stop illegal immigration, to increase repatriations, to increase the remigration of those foreigners who commit crimes and who do not respect our culture and finally more protection for the police and immediately and immediately the approval of the Security Decree”: declares Alessandro Corbetta, group leader of the League in the Lombardy Region.

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