A cutting-edge experimental project presented in the Lombardy Region: involving local pharmacies, closer to patients and simplifying healthcare
Anti-pneumococcal vaccination, more prevention also through local pharmacies
An experimental cutting-edge project presented in the Lombardy Region: involving local pharmacies, closer to patients and simplifying healthcare.
The ATS Brianza and Val The initiative presented in the Region with a discussion between politicians, clinicians, health service managers and patient associations aims to involve local pharmacies: an example worthy of being replicated on a larger scale and a contribution to the reduction of waiting lists in vaccination centers.
Federfarma claims the importance of the service role of pharmacies for the simplification of healthcare responses
“Proximity healthcare must also be interpreted – and perhaps above all – in terms of prevention and this can only contribute to raising the level of healthcare responses, as well as to the sustainability of spending”. With these words Attilio Fontana, President of the Lombardy Region, commented today on the presentation of the experimental project for the administration of the anti-pneumococcal vaccine in pharmacies which, in the next 6 months, will involve the ATS Brianza and Val Padana in the provinces of Monza-Brianza, Lecco, Cremona and which will be reserved only for residents aged between 65 and 72. The experimental project follows a resolution of the Lombardy Regional Council, within the framework of a previous agreement with Federfarma for flu vaccination in pharmacies.
The project presentation event, promoted at the regional headquarters by the health policy magazine Italian Health Policy Brief, with the unconditional contribution of Pfizer, was also an opportunity to stimulate a discussion between the top representatives of regional institutions, clinicians, patient associations and managers of local health services about the potential and future prospects that the inclusion of pneumococcal vaccination represents in the panorama of local care and about the importance of the "service role" that the pharmacy can play in the vaccination prevention process.
“I would like to express the hope that the logic and approach that inspired this pilot project can find a widespread application not only throughout our region – observed Emanuele Monti, President of the IX Permanent Commission – Social sustainability, home and family of the Lombardy Region – but also represent a positive and productive example, worthy of being replicated on a national scale. Let us not forget – he continued – that the National Vaccination Prevention Plan 2023-2025, provides for anti-pneumococcal vaccination with the objective of coverage for people over 65 equal to 75 percent”.
During the interventions, there was a broad convergence on the importance of giving substance to the indication coming from Mission 6 of the PNRR with adequate organizational choices, where the need for the National Health Service to align services with the needs of the community and patients is underlined, strengthening local health structures and services. “… in this sense this project is characterised as perfectly coherent with the objectives of the PNRR –stressed Marco Alparone, Councillor for Budget and Finance of the Lombardy Region – having been conceived also with the intent of strengthening the culture of prevention thanks to an integrated, proximal and widespread approach which, as such, makes access to vaccination easier, in addition to producing positive results not only on the health level but also in terms of economic and financial sustainability of the system. We need to move away from the logic of individual silos with a holistic approach for the generation of value in terms of individual health and public finances”.
The previous important experience in the administration of anti-Covid 19 vaccines, the usefulness of identifying solutions that facilitate the maintenance of population health, reducing incidence and mortality related to the onset of pneumococcal disease, the simplification of logistical aspects related to easier accessibility thanks to the proximity distribution ensured by pharmacies in the territories, in addition to the contribution to the reduction of waiting lists in vaccination centers and clinics, were the many positive aspects of the project that were unanimously highlighted during their speeches by Michele Brait, General Manager of ATS Brianza and by Ida Maria Ada Ramponi, former General Manager of ATS Valpadana.
Logistics simplification and accessibility were the concepts also recalled by Annarosa Racca, president of Federfarma Lombardia who underlined: "This project is a valuable opportunity for prevention that responds to the health needs of our elderly users and helps make that model of proximity care that is essential for the future of our Health Service increasingly concrete. The hope is that we can soon move from this first pilot phase to an extension of the project to the entire region, so that all potentially interested citizens of Lombardy can benefit from it."
Addressing in a widespread and systematic way the need of citizens to have a point of reference that is close, accessible and able to offer reliable answers to their health needs would represent a qualitative leap to be pursued in various health fields.
In this regard, Andrea Mandelli, president of the Federation of Italian Pharmacists' Orders (FOFI) and president of the Order of Pharmacists of Milano Lodi Monza and Brianza stated: "The involvement of pharmacists in the anti-pneumococcal vaccination campaign allows us to offer citizens an additional opportunity to prevent and protect their health, being able to count on the capillarity of the facilities and on the competence and availability of professionals who serve their communities on a daily basis, with whom a relationship of esteem and trust is established. As is known, vaccination coverage rates are still inadequate, especially for the most vulnerable categories, and the proximity of pharmacists can certainly represent an element of encouragement and facilitation to increase adherence to this important prevention tool that protects against the serious consequences of pneumococcal pneumonia. This pilot project, which we hope can soon be extended to all ATS, confirms the desire of regional institutions to focus on the proximity of pharmacists to make healthcare more accessible to Lombard citizens who, with the anti-flu and anti-Covid campaigns, have shown that they appreciate the service offered by pharmacists".
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