Liguria Health: Campo Ligure will have a new Community Hospital

The executive project for the Campo Ligure Community Hospital has been approved. The new facility, funded by the PNRR, will offer 16 beds and local healthcare services. Work to begin quickly.

Liguria Health: Campo Ligure will have a new Community Hospital

The Liguria Region approved yesterday, through a decree from the General Directorate of Territory on behalf of the competent assessor Marco Scajola, the executive project for the construction of the new Community Hospital of Campo Ligure.
The approval is the result of an agreement between public administrations, the Liguria Region, Asl 3 Genovese and the Municipality and includes: the issuing of the building permit, the landscape authorization, the hydraulic and health and hygiene requirements and the opinion of conformity for fire prevention purposes. It will therefore be possible to start work immediately starting from the validation of the executive project for the subsequent opening of the construction site.

The intervention, foreseen by the current Socio-Health Plan of the Liguria Region, has the objective of expanding the offer of the former San Michele Arcangelo hospital, where an ASL 3 outpatient clinic is currently located, guaranteeing local health care to citizens.

"We did a great job completing a complex process in a short time. – declares theRegional Councillor for Urban Planning and Territorial Planning Marco Scajola - The project was in fact approved in 56 days and will ensure that the citizens of Campo Ligure and the surrounding municipalities have a new cutting-edge healthcare facility capable of meeting the most modern criteria of energy saving, efficiency and environmental effectiveness. Behind every project, from the largest to the smallest, there needs to be fundamental urban planning. From 2015 to today, the Liguria Region has been working to improve and streamline, day after day, its territorial planning and it is thanks to this work that results like today's can be achieved. I would like to thank my regional offices and the Superintendence of Genoa and Rome for the valuable collaborative contribution they have had".

The hospital will be built in via Rossi 33 and will have 16 beds. The area of ​​intervention, financed through PNRR resources, extends for approximately 1100 m500 and the new volume will occupy XNUMX mXNUMX of land rising on two floors above ground.

Sanità Liguria: Campo Ligure avrà un nuovo Ospedale di Comunità"We are investing significant resources throughout the Ligurian territory with the aim of arriving at a new dynamic that does not only have the hospital as the point of reference for citizens, but in a widespread network with Community Homes, Community Hospitals and Territorial Operations Centres – explains the Health Councillor Massimo Nicolò – IThe new hospital in Campo Ligure represents an extremely important project for the entire territory that will allow for the improvement of health services in the Ligurian hinterland, guaranteeing a much more effective response to the health needs of citizens. The new hospital will provide short-term health care, performing an intermediate function between home and hospitalization, and care is aimed at subjects who require health interventions that could potentially be provided at home but who require hospitalization in these facilities due to the lack of suitability of the home (structural and family) and continuous nursing supervision.".

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