Liguria: From the Government to the Region 1,9 million euros for tourism and disability

Councilors Lombardi and Nicolò: "Projects oriented towards accessible seaside and experiential tourism will be funded."

Liguria: From the Government to the Region 1,9 million euros for tourism and disability

The regional council has approved the resolution, proposed by the Tourism Councillor Luca Lombardi and co-signed by the Councillor for Social Policies Massimo Nicolò, relating to participation in the Government initiative for the financing of projects aimed at accessible and inclusive tourism with people with disabilities.

In detail, the Board has approved the public notice of expression of interest aimed at the Ligurian Municipalities, in an associated form with the participation of third sector bodies, relating to the initiative promoted by the Minister for Disabilities, in agreement with the Minister of Economy and Finance, the Minister of Labour and Social Policies and the Minister of Tourism, which allocates resources to the Regions for the financing of specific interventions, through the selection of projects aimed at promoting accessible tourism. In particular, the Liguria Region will be allocated almost 1,9 million.

"The Liguria Region has always been sensitive to this issue and has demonstrated it in recent years by sponsoring, for example, the publication of the periodical Guida Mare Accessibile. Today, with this notice, in relation to the importance of the deseasonalization of tourist flows, we intend to select partners for the development of projects relating to the implementation of accessible and inclusive tourism, to be carried out with a maximum duration of 2 years. The projects will be oriented towards activities that ensure full accessibility to tourist services in the area, zone or infrastructure receiving the intervention and also to offer internships for the work inclusion of people with disabilities or training for the protection of their rights", declare the regional councilor for Tourism Luca Lombardi and the councilor for social policies Massimo Nicolò.

In order to formulate a single and detailed regional proposal to the Ministry of Disabilities for the use of resources, up to a maximum of 4 project proposals, with a maximum funding ceiling for each project equal to 430 thousand euros. They can participate from a minimum of 3 to a maximum of 5 Municipalities, Of which at least 2 coastal and at least 1 inland municipality bordering one of the two coastal municipalities, even in two different provinces, which form a homogeneous tourist territorial area.

The Municipalities, together with the Third Sector bodies, are now called upon to jointly formulate projects for accessibility of people with disabilities to free and equipped beaches and to the local tourist resources through dedicated tourist services. At the same time, the activation of internships for the work inclusion of people with disabilities in tourist services. The projects of the Municipalities will be evaluated by a special commission that will give priority to proposals that aim to implement accessibility in areas where it is less developed and to enhance the accessible use of the tourist experience itinerary connecting the coast/hinterland. Everything must be completed within 24 months..

The project proposals must be oriented towards accessible seaside and experiential tourism and ensure the implementation of the following actions in the area:

  1. Dedicated actions to increase accessibility for people with disabilities on free and equipped beaches, sports and/or museum facilities and other tourist/cultural resources for public use;
  2. Activation of training and internships aimed at social inclusion, to the autonomy of people and to the rehabilitation of people with disabilities in tourism services. For example, the following activities can be carried out: implementation of services of sports facilities, museums and other publicly owned tourist-cultural emergencies present in the territories of the participating municipalities; implementation of signage and identification of itineraries also through the purchase and installation of panels suitable for the creation of discovery routes; implementation of accompanying services and creation of new accessible experiences for multidisciplinary use of the territory.

The Regional Council for the protection of the rights of the disabled person of the Liguria Region is available to offer further support for the definition of project actions.

The “In Liguria” Agency will be responsible for the promotion, information and dissemination of the selected projects and for a unitary promotion of the initiatives that make our destination increasingly accessible. Expressions of interest will be submitted via PEC to the address: within and no later than 45 days from the publication of the Notice on the institutional website of the Liguria Region.

Liguria: da Governo alla Regione 1,9 milioni di euro per turismo e disabilità

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