Liguria Region: President Bucci illustrates the Government Program
"Development, environment and social. Ready to work together for the good of citizens, to grow without leaving anyone behind".
Liguria Region: President Bucci illustrates the Government Program
The president of the Liguria Region Marco Bucci, after having introduced the Board in the hall, illustrated the Government program for the XII legislature.
“Infrastructure, healthcare and work. These are the main themes, the priorities for the future of Liguria. Obviously all this keeping in mind the environmental theme, which must not be penalized. As for work, we want it to grow thanks to the arrival of new companies, and for there to be the possibility for all citizens to be able to find a job, but also for those who, from outside, want to come and work here. For example, the construction site of the new Fincantieri super basin alone will produce hundreds of jobs: we must channel and facilitate all the possibilities from this point of view, because they are absolutely strategic”, he declared Bucci.
"I would like to make a preliminary observation: the government program is, to a very large extent, coinciding with what has already been presented to citizens during the electoral campaign. Some additions have been made, but the essence is exactly that. On the other hand, it would be absolutely not only inappropriate, but also incorrect to present a program different from the one that was proposed to voters. I claim this as an extremely positive fact", he added Bucci.
"Our aim - he continued – is to improve the quality of life of Ligurians. Liguria must become the ideal place to live, work, study and spend free time: it may seem like a concept that we have repeated many times, but it is truly the heart of what we want to achieve. Waking up in the morning and thinking about what we can do for Liguria: this is what we do every day, and I believe in it, firmly, I believe in it with my heart and my mind, because with these premises, working for the good of the citizens, important things can be achieved and there is the energy to reach the goals. We are not here to carry on political battles and we are ready to work together, this must be very clear to everyone”.
“We want a Liguria projected towards growth, a social, economic and environmental growth – he precised – We must remember that today sustainable growth is defined according to the ESG principle, or environmental social growth: we must grow while respecting the environment and in such a way that all segments of society must be able to benefit from it. This is an absolutely necessary mantra: managing with this vision is not easy but, as we have already demonstrated, it is absolutely possible, and we will find solutions in the face of difficulties”.
“We will say yes to all projects that contribute to growth – added -: we are open to everything that can serve the development of our region, regardless of who is proposing them. We have shown that we are capable of doing many things, and that we know how to do them well: the whole world witnessed the reconstruction of the Ponte Genova San Giorgio, which made the Ligurians' ability to know how to do things evident. We want to demonstrate this efficiency in all the things we want to do for the future”.
“The government program for Liguria has concrete and verifiable objectives, which derive from listening to the territory, from the analysis of data and from the experience of those who administer public affairs every day, and it is a program that will be able to evolve according to the needs that emerge in our ever-fast and changing reality, and that is right – he concluded – : if we can improve, we must correct the course, this is a fundamental concept for us. We want a Liguria oriented towards the future, towards a development that provides guarantees for everyone, especially for the most fragile, a care for the weakest that we have concretely demonstrated in these seven years at the helm of the Municipality of Genoa: we will continue to do so for a Region that looks ahead and forgets no one”.
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