Liguria: the 5 million call for tenders for hiring in commerce and crafts is underway

Liguria: the 5 million euro call for tenders is open for businesses in the trade and craft sectors. Bonus of up to 12.000 euros for permanent employment. Deadline: 29 May 2025. Liguria: the 5 million euro call for tenders is open for businesses in the trade and craft sectors. Bonus of up to 12.000 euros for permanent employment. Deadline: 29 May 2025. Liguria: the 5 million euro call for tenders is open for businesses in the trade and craft sectors. Bonus of up to 12.000 euros for permanent employment. Deadline: 29 May 2025

Liguria: the 5 million call for tenders for hiring in commerce and crafts is underway

The regional call for proposals worth 5 million euros, financed by the FSE+ 2021-2027 funds, is open to support stable employment in the trade and craft sectors in Liguria. Intended for inland companies, consortium members or quality companies, the call offers hiring bonuses of up to 12.000 euros for each job created, with a focus on permanent contracts

The n opened yesterdaynew 5 million euro call for tenders with which the Liguria Region intends to promote, through hiring bonuses, more stable employment in the trade and craft sectors.
The measure follows the “Labour Pact in Commerce and Crafts” signed last June with the trade unions and the category associations and is aimed at inland activities, those adhering to consortia or business networks and those of quality (in possession of the brands recognized by the Liguria Region) who hire primarily with permanent contracts. The financing of the call is from the FSE+ 2021-2027 funds.

"We expect a large participation from companies operating in these sectors which are so important for the Ligurian economy. – they explain regional councilors Simona Ferro, Marco Scajola and the managing director Alessio Piana. – Providing job stability to two sectors such as commerce and craftsmanship means passing on a centuries-old tradition that must be passed on to new generations to maintain its centrality within our economic fabric. With this aim, together with unions and trade associations, we have thought of this new measure that concretely supports, with bonuses that can reach 12 thousand euros in some cases for each job created, inland companies, consortia or quality companies that hire primarily on a permanent basis".

THEregional incentive varies depending on the type of contract. In particular, the cThe maximum contribution that can be granted to companies located in non-coastal municipalities is 12 thousand euros, up to 8 thousand euros for those adhering to consortia, business networks or in possession of one of the quality brands recognised by the Liguria Region (Artigiani in Liguria, Botteghe Storiche – Locali di tradizione, Bottega Ligure).
Liguria: al via il Bando da 5 milioni per le assunzioni nel commercio e artigianato
Lo instrument is retroactive from 1 June 2024, provided that the contract for which the benefit is requested is still in force on the date of submission of the application. For inland companies, furthermore, an additional amount is envisaged, equal to 60% of the hiring bonus, in the event that at least one fixed-term employment contract has been stipulated (starting from 1 June 2024), with a minimum duration equal to or greater than 4 months and which has reached its natural expiry before the opening date of the call for tenders. The Applications must be submitted by May 29, 2025 and exclusively online, by accessing the Filse “Bandi on line” system.

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