Genoa: Almost 4 million for the right to education of Ligurian students with disabilities.

Liguria Region allocates resources to enhance assistance to disabled students in secondary and private schools. Funds increased compared to the previous school year.

Genoa: Almost 4 million for the right to education of Ligurian students with disabilities.

Da Liguria region, settled almost 4 million euro to guarantee the right to education for young people with disabilities in the 2024/2025 school year.

In detail, 3 million and 578 thousand euros, provided for by the Fund for the enhancement of the assistance service for the autonomy and communication of students with disabilities, were assigned to the Metropolitan City of Genoa and Ligurian provinces. These funds will be used to finance assistance actions for disabled students of secondary schools. With these resources, the presence of theSocial Educational Operator within the school premises. Compared to the previous school year, the funds have been increased by approximately 240mila euros.

A further regional contribution from 300mila euros is intended to support the costs of 31 private schools in Liguria for the implementation of educational actions aimed at disabled students, in particular those without a support teacher.

Statements from the institutions

“The Liguria Region's activity to support students with disabilities does not stop – they explain President of the Liguria Region Marco Bucci andCouncilor for Schools Simona Ferro. – Our commitment is on multiple fronts.

The dialogue with the Government is profitable and constant, as demonstrated by the increase in state funding for the current school year. Regional contributions to private schools, on the other hand, supplement the ministerial allocation of 2 million and demonstrate the Institution's desire to fully guarantee, even with its own resources, the right to education for all young people in our territory, without leaving anyone behind".

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