Liguria region, Genoa. Five areas potentially suitable for the cycle closing system have been identified: two technologies compared.
There are five areas considered potentially suitable and two technologies compared: 'waste to chemical' through which to produce 'green fuels' such as hydrogen and methanol to be used in green or energy valorisation districts.
Liguria Region, Genoa. THEFive areas potentially suitable for the cycle closing system have been identified: two technologies compared.
There are five areas considered potentially suitable and two technologies compared - 'waste to chemical' through which to produce 'green fuels' such as hydrogen and methanol to be used in green districts or for energy valorisation – for the future construction of the waste cycle closure system in Liguria. This is the result of the study carried out by Rina on behalf of the Ligurian regional waste agency - Arlir. Meanwhile, the Municipality of Genoa, through Amiu, has expressed its willingness to begin the process aimed at building the plant on its territory, in the Scarpino area.
The research was commissioned by the Agency to carry out both a comparison of the types of cycle closing systems envisaged in the Regional Plan (chemical recycling plant or thermal plant) to identify the most suitable technological solution from a technical, environmental and economic point of view, and an 'applicative' analysis of the localization criteria for cycle closure plants as defined by the new Regional Plan and by the Area Committee to identify potentially suitable macro-areas that present a greater morphological/infrastructural vocation: Valpolcevera-Scarpino; Valle Scrivia; Cairo Montenotte area; Cengio area; Vado Ligure area.
As regards the technologies, chemical recycling plant or thermal plant, they were analyzed comparatively, taking into account, for example, the recognition of national and international best practices in the treatment and control of Co2 emissions/capture; optimization and possible synergies with other treatment plants already present in the area.
"With today we definitively plan, as we said through the new Plan approved by the Regional Council and the Agency, the closure of the waste cycle, allowing Liguria to become self-sufficient - declares the president of the Liguria Region -. Thanks to the work of the Agency and the study by RINA, the biodigester plants of Cairo and Saliceti, the latter finally under construction, will also be joined by a plant for the residual part of undifferentiated waste, i.e. a waste to chemical plant for the transformation of waste into energy or a waste-to-energy plant, like the one that will be built in Rome or like those already existing for example in Lombardy. In this way, waste can be treated in the Ligurian territory in a safe, effective, efficient and modern way as well as environmentally sustainable. Rina has carried out a study to identify a series of potentially suitable locations and the Municipality of Genoa has already expressed its availability, offering to build the plant in Scarpino. Today the journey begins to bring us closer to the finish line: estimating the time is very difficult but I believe it will take a few years, imagining that within a year and a half we can arrive at the precise identification of the location, the type of system and the technical interlocutor proposer. You need an ability to see the whole picture – concludes the governor – which involves all entities, according to what community regulations indicate, also guaranteeing virtuous paths that lead to decreasing the cost of procedures and therefore weighing less on citizens' bills".
For the Mayor of Genoa and the Councilor for the Environment and Waste of the Municipality, who has expressed his availability, "today is a historic day for Liguria. We are starting a journey that will allow us to put an end to the disposal of rubbish in landfills or outside the region. Genoa is ready to do its part, deeming the Scarpino site suitable as an area to develop a project for a waste cycle closure plant. A structure that will take into account the principles of environmental and economic sustainability and which will be compatible and complementary with the Biological Mechanical Treatment plant also being built in Scarpino. The entire area will be at the center of a large valorization project to become a site of energy and the circular economy".
"With the new regional plan, approved just under two years ago, and the birth of the Agency, an essential operational arm to give substance to that Plan - adds the Councilor for the Environment and Waste Cycle of the Liguria Region – we have set ourselves the objective of closing the waste cycle, unthinkable until 2015. Since then we have made important steps forward and thanks to the great work done, especially to increase separate waste collection, which has increased from 38,63% eight years ago at around 60% by 2023, this goal is not only achievable but within reach. I want to thank the Agency for this study which will be the basis, the starting point of a future expression of interest or market research in order to guarantee that the plant is built in the most suitable place and with the best technologies, always agreement with the interested bodies. The objective is to make landfill disposal an increasingly residual tool, minimizing environmental impacts and above all optimizing the costs of the Tari for citizens, which is a fundamental objective of ours.".
"The one conducted by RINA is a technical-scientific analysis with the aim of providing a tool capable of concretely explaining what is indicated in the guidelines of the regional waste plan - observes the commissioner of the Regional Waste Agency Monica Giuliano – an analysis of the best technologies applied to the two types of waste cycle closure systems and an initial investigation into suitable macro areas. It is one of the first objectives achieved by the Agency regarding future planning: the areas suitable for closing the cycle are identified, taking into account all the rewarding or non-rewarding aspects of the Regional Plan. It is an open tool, available to all players who wish to submit evaluation proposals for closing the cycle".
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