
Forlì: extraordinary services by the Carabinieri, 5 people reported and a young man reported for drugs

The checks concluded with the referral of five people to the Public Prosecutor's Office of Forlì.

Forlì: extraordinary services by the Carabinieri, 5 people reported and a young man reported for drugs

In recent days, the Carabinieri of the Forlì Company, in particular of the Operational and Radiomobile Nucleus with the support of colleagues from the competent Stations, have carried out targeted extraordinary territorial control services, primarily in the evening and night hours, aimed at contrasting predatory crimes and violent conduct, as well as phenomena of use/abuse of narcotic/alcohol substances.

The checks – carried out mainly in the city centre and in the areas considered to be of greatest operational interest, as well as along the busiest roads of the mercurial city – concluded with the referral to the Public Prosecutor's Office of Forlì five people, in particular:

  • a foreign woman reported for "ban on access to public establishments and public entertainment venues" since, in state of alcoholic alteration, was checked inside a premises in the historic centre despite being under probation issued by the Bologna surveillance office. The woman was also sanctioned for "disorderly drunkenness";
  • a minor reported for "illegal carrying of weapons or objects capable of offending" since he was caught in possession of a knife with sliding bladeThe weapon was subjected to seizure.
  • a man reported for "stolen” since found in possession of four smartphones, one of which (iphone14 brand) had already been found stolen from a citizen of Forlì, to whom it was returned, and three others seized for identification and return to the victims;
  • a man reported for "driving under the influence of alcohol", With ethyl values ​​higher than 1,20 g/l. The investigation was carried out following a road accident, fortunately without serious consequences. The driving license was revoked for the subsequent suspension and the vehicle entrusted to a trusted person.
  • a young foreigner reported for "driving under the influence of alcohol", With alcohol levels exceeding the criminal jurisdiction limit of 0,80 g/l. In this circumstance the driver was also found to be "without a driving license because I never got one"And, therefore, fined over €5.000,00 and Administrative seizure of the vehicle for 3 months.

Forlì: servizi straordinari dei Carabinieri, 5 persone denunciate e un giovane segnalato per stupefacenti

Finally, in the fight against narcotics, it was reported to the Prefecture of Forlì-Cesena a minor found in possession of a dose of hashish, subjected to administrative seizure.

The checks by the Carabinieri of Forlì will continue with the utmost commitment, also in the coming days, especially during the most at-risk times and in the city areas most "sensitive" to the highlighted phenomena, in order to guarantee the safety and tranquility of the people of Forlì.

Forlì: servizi straordinari dei Carabinieri, 5 persone denunciate e un giovane segnalato per stupefacenti

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