
Forlì-Cesena: Forestry Carabinieri fight poaching of protected species

A 12 gauge hunting rifle, 160 cartridges of the same caliber, and biological evidence attributable to the shot Ibis specimen were seized.

Forlì-Cesena: Forestry Carabinieri fight poaching of protected species

As part of broader controls on hunting and protection of particularly protected species arranged by the Carabinieri Forestale Group of Forlì-Cesena (and Rimini), the CCF unit employees of S. Sofia, Sarsina, Verghereto and Rimini have identified and reported to the local Judicial Authority a poacher guilty of having shot and killed a very rare specimen of Northern Bald Ibis in a mountainous area of ​​the province of Forlì, subsequently collected by the offender and transported to his home.

The Hermit Ibis is a Pelecaniform bird, once quite widespread along the rocky areas and cliffs of southern Europe, currently in poor condition serious risk of extinction on a global scale. In particular, this species has been included in the IUCN red list (international union for the conservation of nature and natural resources), as well as in Annex A of the CITES Convention, since it is considered seriously threatened with extinction due to repeated poaching and consequent destruction of its habitat.

For these reasons, at present only a few isolated colonies of the aforementioned species remain, which is why various programs and projects for the reintroduction of the Northern Bald Ibis into its original environment are being studied or implemented, among which the project "life20 Hermit Ibis".

For this purpose this particular species of bird is continuously monitored by installing small transmitters applied to the animal's back, which in turn return substantial information regarding its movements, as well as any sudden death of the animal. Well, precisely thanks to the analysis of the above information, it was possible to generate a targeted investigation by the Forestry Carabinieri of the province of Forlì-Cesena, who analysed the inputs deriving from the death signal of this species (transmitted by the receiver installed on the shot Hermit Ibis specimen called "Puck” which, together with 13 other specimens, had reached the Apennine area of ​​the Savio valley on 23 November, staying there for several hours). However, on the afternoon of 24 November "Puck" he was shot down.

Received detailed report from project managers “Waldrappteam” (deputy for the monitoring and geolocalization of the aforementioned protected species), the Forestry Carabinieri immediately started the info-investigative activity, obviously coordinated by the local Public Prosecutor's Office.

Profitable initiatives were therefore started searches, culminating in the discovery of elements deemed useful for the investigations, also proceeding to seizure of a 12 gauge hunting rifle, no. 160 cartridges of the same caliber, as well as biological findings attributable to the killed Ibis specimen.

At the end of the investigations, therefore, a poacher reported responsible for having proceeded killing of a particularly protected animal, significant deterioration of the population of an animal species threatened with extinction, unjustified killing of animals, possession of undeclared ammunition.

The accessory measure of precautionary withdrawal of all weapons and ammunition held and of the hunting license aimed at issuing a prefectural order to revoke the title and prohibit the possession of weapons/ammunition.

Forlì-Cesena: Carabinieri forestale contrastano il fenomeno del bracconaggio a specie protette

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