Emilia-Romagna: the “work for you” campaign on employment centers is underway.
A new initiative to tell the story of the services offered by 38 Employment Centers and 9 Targeted Placement offices. Councilor Paglia: “A social hub at the heart of local communities”.
Emilia-Romagna: the “work for you” campaign on employment centers is underway.
How do Employment centres In Emilia-Romagna, what is the daily work of operators, and what services do they offer to citizens and businesses?
These are the themes of the new communication campaign “I work for you”, created byEmilia-Romagna Regional Employment Agency, which will be broadcast on the main social networks starting today, Monday 13 January.
Through videos and interviews, the campaign will tell the true stories of people who, thanks to the Employment Centers, have managed to get back on their feet and start again.
“I work for you”, in addition to recalling the name of the portal of services and job offers of the Regional Agency, also represents a promise of a pact between Employment Centres and citizens: a concrete commitment to support those looking for work.
The regional councillor for Labour, Giovanni PagliaSaid:
“With this communication initiative, we give strength and visibility to the mission of the Regional Employment Agency. A system of public employment services aligned with the best European standards, with over 800 employees distributed in 38 Employment Centers and 9 Targeted Placement offices, spread throughout Emilia-Romagna”.
Straw he also stressed that:
"Together with the strengthening of the Employment Centers, which will be completely renovated by mid-2026 thanks to the resources of the PNRR, we are taking a further step towards transforming the Agency into a social hub. The goal is to make the Agency a central point for local communities, collaborating with all the bodies and subjects interested in employment issues".
The campaign will be a visual narrative that will highlight the human and true side of the Emilia-Romagna Employment Centers, realities made up of people who offer professionalism, skills, listening, welcoming and availability.
These Centers want to be a place of meeting between those seeking work and those offering it, a point of reference for those who wish to train, restart or orient themselves in the job market.
An initiative that aims to bring citizens and businesses closer to public employment services, making them aware of the opportunities available and the concrete support they can receive.
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