Emilia-Romagna: over 18 million for health care in prison.
Funds allocated to enhance health care, psychiatric support and the fight against addiction in the region's penitentiaries.
Emilia-Romagna: over 18 million for health care in prison.
Councillor Fabi: “Important resources to continue to ensure adequate care for a fragile segment of the population, with complex health needs that require targeted responses”.
Of the resources allocated, 7,2 million come from the Regional Health Fund e 10,8 million from the National Health Fund. 16,9 million euro they are intended for prison health care, 660 thousand euros to the Atsm of Reggio Emilia and Bologna, the Mental Health Protection Joints, and 510mila euros to combat drug and alcohol addiction in prison.
Bologna - Strengthen health and psychiatric care for prisoners and strengthen actions to combat addictions.
The Emilia-Romagna Region, led by President Michele de Pascale, assigns penitentiary institute locations to the Local Health Authorities over 18 million euros for the prevention and assistance of prisoners, of which 7,2 million from the Regional Health Fund e 10,8 million from the national one.
The resources are distributed based on the prison population as of 31 December 2023, according to the data provided by the Prap – Regional Office of the Penitentiary Administration of Emilia-Romagna of the Ministry of Justice.
Distribution of resources:
- 16,9 million euro they are intended for prison healthcare for care and health care services.
- 510mila euros will support interventions to combat and treat drug and alcohol addiction.
- 660mila euros will be assigned to the Atsm of Reggio Emilia and Bologna, to guarantee intensive levels of health care and rehabilitation for prisoners with psychiatric needs.
The Councilor for Health Policies, Massimo Fabi, points out:
“An important support to strengthen the response capacity of penitentiary institutions. The goal is to guarantee effective assistance and continuity of care between prison and the territory, which is essential to reduce recidivism and promote rehabilitation. This measure aims to bridge inequalities and protect the right to health in the most complex situations.”
Detail of resources for the Local Health Authorities
The following have been allocated to prison healthcare:
- 3,9 million euro at the Bologna Local Health Authority.
- 3,5 million at the Parma Local Health Authority.
- 2,6 million at the Modena Local Health Authority.
- 2,3 million to the ASL Romagna.
- 1,7 million at the Piacenza Local Health Authority.
- 1,5 million at the Ferrara Local Health Authority.
- 1,3 million at the Reggio Emilia Local Health Authority.
In addition, 510mila euros from the National Health Fund are allocated to personnel dedicated to addictions in prisons, divided between the Local Health Authorities of the main penitentiary locations.
Finally, 500mila euros are destined for the Atsm of Reggio Emilia and 160mila euros to the Bologna facility, to further strengthen psychiatric care.
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