
Agriculture in Emilia-Romagna: almost 180 million euros to support agricultural companies

In Emilia-Romagna, thanks to advances on community payments, over 19.000 agricultural businesses will receive support for income and the enhancement of the territory, in a difficult year for production.

Agriculture in Emilia-Romagna: almost 180 million euros to support agricultural companies.

A package of almost 180 million euros for agriculture in Emilia-Romagna. This is the amount of the advances of the community contributions for the 2024 campaign paid to agricultural businesses by Agrea, the regional agency for agricultural payments.

Of these, 44,8 million are the advances paid on the surface commitments and the compensatory allowances of the Rural Development Programme, representing 72% of the amounts requested payable and went to 19.332 companies, 88% of the applications submitted.
A further tranche of payments, for 134,3 million, was earmarked for income support interventions under the first pillar of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).

“These are advances that go to thousands of agricultural companies involved in the enhancement of the territory and quality production, to support their income in complex years from a production point of view. - comments Regional Councillor for Agriculture Alessio Mammi -. With the completion of the 2024 advance phase, Agrea will now move on to the preliminary phase for the disbursement of the balances, which will start in December".

Agricoltura in Emilia-Romagna: quasi 180 milioni di euro per sostenere le aziende agricole

The key numbers

The main measures financed from the advances of Rural Development 2024 for 44,8 million euros ranging from 17 million for compensatory allowances with a beneficiary rate equal to 92%, to the organic and integrated production sector with 23,9 million, of which 17,5 million for organic practices and 6,4 million for integrated production.

As regards income support measures, over 134,3 million euros have been disbursed. The basic support weighs for 99 million destined for 35.419 beneficiaries, the other aid interventions concern young farmers (1,8 million), environmental sustainability for quality tree crops and olive groves (5,7 million), and coupled support and income redistribution (27,6 million euros).

Data by province

In the province of Piacenza, advances and contributions for over 18.400 euros were given to 3.206 companies, in Parma 18.875 to 4.130 companies, in Reggio Emilia the payments are worth over 16.200 euros for 4.114 companies.

In the Modenese style Advances and contributions for 20.960 euros were allocated to 5.193 companies, in Bologna they amount to 29.172 euros for 5.783 companies; in Ferrara 32.566 euros to 4.143 companies.

Finally, in the province of Forlì-Cesena the payments amount to 12.550 Euros and concern 3.810 companies, in Ravenna 18.945 Euros for 4.553 companies and In Rimini, payments of 6.175 euros were made to 1.609 companies.

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